
Trapped In A Snow Globe Analysis

Decent Essays

Trapped In A Snow Globe I was on my wonderful trip at disney world enjoying some time at the rock ‘n’ roller coaster. When i had a great idea to go to the it's a small world ride because it was indoor and it was really cold out here since it was the winter. I started and the dolls were singing,as I continued down the water. Then I saw a rat, but since I was in disney world and their mascot is a mouse, I thought I would say “Meeska mooska Mickey Mouse!” Since that's what they said say in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Then, all of a sudden the floor dropped beneath me and I fell in a room of dolls. I looked around looking for anything but dolls and I saw a door so I opened it. On a table I saw a belt with a tomato on it. I put on the belt and when …show more content…

, I it was really beautiful watching everything for the 5 seconds that I was in space. I landed with a crash, then a tumble. It was strange that I could breath breathe perfectly fine there. I looked around for anything interesting or a way to get out, but I saw nothing. I continued to go straight and I saw a monumental sized boy fishing for whatever it is that you fish for on the moon. I started screaming to get his attention and I did I really expected him to be more friendly. because he grabbed me by the shirt, and hung me on his fishing hook, and down I went into some winter wonderland…..W well not exactly, just some giant swamp. I landed in this mysterious swamp, looking for anything but swamp. I found a gargantuar sized cottage so I decided to go inside and ask for help. I pushed and pushed until the door opened, . then, I heard a THUMP, a STOMP, and a BANG coming towards the door. “Who’s in my swamp!” A booming slow voice said. I ran to find a place to hide, but the only thing I saw was a glass dome with rubber around the inside if of it. The dome had a green man and a green woman inside sitting around a fireplace. then, I wondered if Ii was in shrek, . there was a green man, someone yelling “Get outta my swamp!” it made too much sense to not be true. The green giant, or shrek, picked me up and put me in the glass

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