
Transtheoretical Model Essay

Decent Essays

The Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change (TTM) is a model of intentional change that emerged from a comparative analysis of leading theories of behaviour change and psychotherapy. The TTM is guided by a set of assumptions with the primary assumptions supposing that individuals move through stages of change and the challenges and processes one experiences differ at each given stage. This appraisal will outline the five core constructs of this model, highlighting one key strength and limitation that has been identified and conclude with a critical analysis of the models utility to inform and address behaviour change.
Core Constructs Stages of change. The six stage construct of the TTM is what separates it from competing theories, as it is the only theory to address change occurring over a time period, rather than a single event (Lenio, 2006). The pre-contemplation stage describes individuals who are not intending to change a specific behaviour within the next six months. The contemplation stage describes individuals who are intending to change a specific behaviour within the next six months. The preparation stage includes individuals intending to change in the next month. The action stage refers to individuals who have made overt alterations in their lifestyle within the past six months. The …show more content…

The processes of change describe the cognitive and behavioural methods individuals use to advance through the stages (Prochaska & Velicer, 1997). Ten processes have been both theoretically and empirically justified (Patten, Vollman & Thurston, 2000). Lenio (2006) described the first five (consciousness raising, dramatic relief, self re-evaluation, environmental re-evaluation and self-liberation) as experiential and are adopted in the earlier stages. The proceeding five (social liberation, counterconditioning, stimulus control, contingency management and helping relationships) are implemented in the later stages and are considered behavioural

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