
Transitional Shift From Practical Nurse

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Team Professionalism: Group 1 Nicole Adkins, Receia Kollie, Patricia McRitchie, & Regene Zutter Minnesota State Community and Technical College Team Professionalism: Group 1 The purpose of this paper is to explore the transitional shift from practical nurse to professional nurse. We have utilized several resources detailing the scope of practice for the professional nurse, and explain in detail the new types of roles we will encounter as RN’s. Differences Between the Practical Nurse and the Professional Nurse There are seven key roles of the Professional Nurse according to ATI Nurse Touch: Becoming a Professional Nurse module. The Care Provider uses the nursing process to help clients, coordinates care, has a caring attitude and …show more content…

(ATI, 2013) And as the collaborator, the nurse utilizes an inter-professional team to plan and coordinate care in cooperation with other disciplines. (ATI, 2013) These seven roles of the professional nurse will expand my responsibilities from the practical nurse. It will involve more evidence based planning, evaluation of interventions used and changing interventions that have not met client goals. It will also require more involvement in the politics of nursing as a profession, becoming a more active participant in change. Developing more critical thinking, collaboration, planning, intervention, and assertiveness skills to advocate for the patient and their rights as an individual. The Ethical Responsibilities and Behaviors of a Professional Nurse An underlining principle that forms all nursing practice is respect for the inherent dignity, worth, unique attributes, and human rights of all individuals. (Jimenez-Lopez, Roales-Nieto, Seco, Preciado, 2016) Nurses are to always treat all patients with dignity. For example, closing doors before you start providing patient care. It’s also essential as a nurse to respect patients regardless of their background, race, culture, value system, or spiritual belief. (Jimenez-Lopez, et al., 2016) Nurses have to respect the dignity of patient’s rights. Patients have the right to refuse

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