
Transition To Adulthood Research Paper

Decent Essays

Introduction to the adulthood transitioning into the older years We all enjoyed those days when we were children, free to play outside and run around all day with no hint of responsibility. When we are children, we are motivated to be like our parents and taking what we admire about them. Then when we hit the teenager stages, we think we know everything and that the entire world is looking at us for attention. Slowly but surely, we realize that the adult world is not all that we thought it would be, as we got older. Starting college, learning how to take care of rent and bills, figuring out your career path and taking care of your parents is not all that fun when you get down to it. We do what we do every day to take care of the ones that we love, especially our parents and …show more content…

Currently my mother’s parents are the ones in their 70’s and getting to that point to either move closer to us so that mom can take care of them or they live with mom. My grandparents are some of the most wonderful people that I know. My grandmother is a retired tailor who once made us clothes and made all of the local high school cheerleading uniforms for a few decades. My grandfather is a retired Air Force Veteran that has major skills in carpentry that consisted of household fixes and put down carpet for years. My grandparents have been married for 55 years that still love each other like the day they got married. They have their little moments with each other we find amusing but most people do not stay married for as long as they have. They have been a big influence in my life by teaching me, talking to me about family and just life lessons that I could pass on to the next generation. Their wisdom and knowledge inspires me to go farther in life and to keep on going. This paper is going to be talking about my grandparents and how I interacted with them one

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