
Transformative Stages

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I think it’s a period we all go through every now and then. Those few weeks, sometimes months of unmotivation, stagnation and the loss of your sense of self.
Recently I went through a one of these stages, a pretty long one actually. 4 long months of the dreaded “funk”. Last August I decided to quit my job in a sales company, it was something that i did because i felt it wasn’t serving me and the aspirations I had for the future. Around that time I ended up going through some pretty heavy mental issues linking back to drugs, partying probably a bit too much and some personal stuff. I realised I needed to get myself back on track and out of such a detrimental cycle, so I got a new job and focused on that for the next 4 months. The thing was …show more content…

Realise that everyone goes through these stages, you are not alone, you are not crazy and you definitely will come out the other end! Feel, though do not dwell. Take the slow, steady steps to getting back to your happiness. Understand that you are going through a transformative stage and this can take time.
Set reminders
This can be as small as sticking post-its on your mirror and around your space reminding yourself of your creativity, your beauty and the list is endless! Something similar to this is an app i downloaded called “My Affirmations”. My Affirmations is an app which automatically generates a new affirmation every day and pops up in your notifications. You are able to choose the subjects most relevant to you at that time and even add your own. Some examples are: health, self esteem, happiness, creativity and wealth. Something so little as this can make a huge change in your day, a little positivity goes a long way.
Feed your soul
Do the things that make your heart happy. Whether that be listening to a banger while jumping around your room like a looney or running around in the rain. Draw, create, cook, listen to music, watch inspirational videos, listen to TED talks, read. Feed your soul with what makes you happiest, you might come out the other end with a new

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