
Transformation In Night By Elie Wiesel

Decent Essays

We are constantly being faced with change and as the world around us changes, we do as well. We are changed by our environment, our trauma, and the people around us. Elie Wiesel’s memoir “Night” shows the harsh and brutality of the horrors of the Holocaust and how he is reformed. Elie goes through a noticeable transformation due to his loss of child-like innocence, becoming conflicted with his faith and his struggle/embrace of survival. Elie Wiesel goes through a major transformation and comes out as a noticeably different person at the end of the book. As we are introduced to our main protagonist Elie, we find that he is an innocent young 12 year old boy who is joyful and devoted to his faith and his family. Since the day the Nazi’s invaded and we see Elie lose …show more content…

However, as he experiences the horrors of the Holocaust he begins to question the very existence of God. An important moment in his conflict of faith is when during the selection process at Auschwitz, Elie witnesses a young boy being hanged. In this moment of darkness Elie questions the existence of God, asking, “Where is God? Where is He?”(64) This moment of darkness marks the beginning of Elie’s loss of faith. As Elie’s experiences the concentration camp, his faith continues to dwindle. As he watches the brutality of the SS officer and the suffering of his peers, he questions why God would let this happen. In one particular part of the book, Elie is seen thinking about the boy who was hanged and asks, “Where is God’s mercy? Where’s the God of God? How can I believe, how can anyone believe in this God of Mercy?”(65) Elie’s loss of faith continues and is aided by the violence and the dehumanization of his fellow prisoners. Elie acknowledges his loss in faith, saying, “Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes”(34). As Elie’s faith diminishes, he struggles to survive and begins to embrace self

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