
Changes In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Eleven million humans lost their lives during the holocaust, but there were some individuals that were lucky enough to survive through the living Hell of the reign of Hitler. It was a gruesome transition for many, and it really changed the mindset of any remaining survivors. In the book, “Night”, Elie Wiesel changed into a completely different person throughout the book. Elie really lost a great amount of faith from the beginning to the end of the book. In the story, on page 14, it says, “there was joy, yes, joy!” This shows that at one point, the people had joy in their lives. This is important because it helps show the transition from happiness to sadness throughout the book. Later in the book, on page 105, it says, “it’s too late to save your old father, I said to myself.” This shows a dramatic change in faith for Elie. This phrase helps prove that Elie lost a lot of faith. This loss changes Elie into a completely different person. It gave him a different identity, he was a kid with nothing. …show more content…

On page 3, it says, “One evening I told him how unhappy I was because I could not find a master in Sighet to instruct me in the Zohar.” This shows Elie, at one time, was ungrateful and did not worry about his well-being and things that really mattered the most. It can be seen that at one point, Elie was in good physical shape, where he took being healthy for granted. Later in life, Elie is a new human, he looks completely different. On page 109, it says, “I spent 2 weeks between life and death”, on the same page, it says, “from the depths of a mirror, a corpse gazed back at me”. This shows that Elie was in very poor physical shape, and he looked at himself as if he were a walking corpse. This transition shows that Elie had a major change in physical appearance, which clearly gave him a new

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