• Details about the young person, including energy needs, protein needs and carbohydrate needs.
It is important for anyone of any age to be eating the right foods; but it is even more important for a young person. This is because they are growing and their bodies are still developing; sometimes even up to the age of 25!
Each individual has different energy requirements; these depend on a number of things, such as - age, gender, height and weight. These requirements can be calculated by using a chart which is designed to work on an individuality basis.
Here is an example of how this kind of chart would work: The chart I will be using is calculated using weight and PAL (physical activity levels). This is because; while under a
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An active young person should be following a diet in which 50 – 55% of their calories are coming from carbohydrates.
Although I am only training each young person for a few months, this training should leave an impact on the rest of their life - exercise and nutritional wise. This is why I need to take the time to explain to them the reasons why exercise and a well-balanced diet are important.
• Details about their training plan and what you need to consider when devising a programme for the young person.
Young people are likely to become bored more quickly than an adult would, so need a different and more exciting programme. Therefore, I need to create something that is not just a typical gym routine, but is fun. When training young people, it is important to create a programme that creates enthusiasm and enjoyment on their part. What would this kind of programme look like?
Being friendly and bubbly and getting to know each individual client, is the secret to setting the right atmosphere with them. It will help the young person to feel relaxed and also - enthusiastic about starting their training. I need to try and make it clear that I’m not another teacher telling them what to do; but am ‘partnering’ with them to help them to reach their fitness goals.
A good way of designing an appropriate programme is to design it with them! Most children, especially if they have a creative personality, would really enjoy doing this. It would also give them the feel
Practitioner’s expectations should be to become a valuable practitioner, to be reliable and build good relationships with children and parent carers, encouraging play whilst learning, and by having children’s best interests e.g. physical activities, outings, this would help them to enjoy their growth in knowledge and assist in enhancing their development as a whole. Also practitioners should work as a team with other staff members and parent/carers in order to support the children to promote the children’s initial learning so that the children will feel confident and would be able boost up their self-esteem, and this will also help them in their future, and prepare them in further education when they move onto school. Also the
Children and young people’s health and development is closely linked to their dietary choice as they need the right amount of nutrients necessary to keep their energy and to maintain the body for growth, tissue repair, healthy skin, hair and teeth, red blood cells and strong immune system.
Don’t try to teach your children that eating healthy is important when they are teenagers, I am more than sure that they won’t care even
Mikey’s nutrition-related goal was to maintain his weight at 165 being 5’8”. Based upon the Harris-Benedict Equation (66 + (6.3 x 165) + (12.9 x 68) – (6.8 x 20), Mikey’s over all calories that are needed to maintain his weight are 3,185 per day. My partners’ BMI was equal to 25 which was considered an elevated level, but should be fine for his health. His classification was considered overweight, but with his age and activity level this is not excessive. With a weight loss of three pounds he would reach the optimal weight range. As far as energy intake needs, I suggested the percentage of carbohydrates should be 55% calories, 20% calories from fat and 25% protein. Mikey also needs to consume approximately 38 g of fiber per day.
The formula is the person’s weight in pounds times eleven, which is the person’s caloric baseline. Then the person needs to add four hundred to that number and this shows the maintenance calories. To lose weight, the person then subtracts six hundred from the maintenance calories in order to find the person’s target caloric intake. Based on the answer from the formula, the person then refers to the calorie chart and selects which grouping they belong to. For example, if a person was to calculate 1,275 calories based on the formula, the person then would look at the calorie chart under the 1,200-1,499 calorie section to see how many of each container they are slotted to have a day. For this range, a person should have three green containers, two purple containers, four red container, two yellow containers, one blue container, one orange container, and two tablespoons of nut butter or
Heart disease, stroke, and death are just some of the symptoms of eating unhealthy food. Eating behaviors develop during the first few years of children 's lives. Children learn what to eat by observing other eating behaviors. Eating healthy food during infancy and toddler years is extremely important because the child observes the eating behaviors of their care giver or parent. Some benefits of giving your child healthy food at a you g age are, nutrients, vitamins, and energy.Adults and parents play an important role in children eating healthy because they choose the food choices for their families or themselves. Schools also play an important role in eating healthy food because they use certain strategies like having a
My intention is to comply the emergent curriculum and provide more opportunities for children 3-5 age group within the centre to complete the projects by themselves through experimenting and experiencing. The topics will capture from the talk of children, through community or family events, as well as the known interests of children.
Healthy eating is important from the day we are born. As a child, we grow quite rapidly and this is due in part to the foods we eat. Foods all contain nutrients that provide us not only
A lot of clients are probably new to the gym and go in not knowing where to start. You have to supervise them to make sure that they are using the proper form so they don't get injured.
The importance of establishing health promoting practices during childhood and adolescence has long been recognized by nutritionists and other health professionals. The purpose of this paper is to investigate further the issues relating to adolescents' diets and contributing factors. Contributing factors include the increase of fast food consumption, unconventional meal patterns and lack of exercise. During adolescence, the influences on eating habits are numerous. The growing independence of adolescents, increased participation in social life and a generally busy schedule of activities have a great impact on food intake.�In the September 2007 issue of 'Health Promotion
• energy intake adjustments when the weight goal is reached in order to maintain optimal weight.
Contrary to our findings, this study’s analysis provided evidence for sex differences that could contributions to an energy balance, patterns of EI and weight changes. However, this study has used different methodologies and subject group to carry out their investigation which may have led to this variance in results.
Kid-Fit will be a limited partnership. Limited partnership is a partnership in which only the general partner, who runs the business, has personal liability, while the limited partners, who are basically passive investors, can lose no more than their stake in the partnership. Our limited partner will be a larger established fitness company whose main focus is the adult population.
In the above paragraph I have gained the knowledge on how to balance me and my family's lifestyle. I already knew we needed to be eating health and staying active. It is hard to do so in a busy world. But, this course has definitely reinforced on how to stay healthy and fit and implement new things in my life. This course has also reinforced just as you should get a physical annually, your child needs regular well check-ups. Something further that I have been able to balance and reinforce is getting in a good habit is eating a variety of fruits and vegetables daily. Choosing whole grains as much as possible over refined ones will give your child more nutrients and fiber. Make an effort to avoid foods that are processed, high in sugar or high in saturated fat, all of which can increase risks for health problems such as diabetes. Especially helped reinforce with my diabetes.