
Touching Spirit Bear Cole Matthews Character Traits

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Cole Matthews Character Profile-Final Copy

In the book Touching Spirit Bear, Cole Matthews is the main character. I have learned about Cole in the book Touching Spirit Bear. I will provide facts and my own opinions about Cole’s attitude and his disposition. You will learn many things from my character profile about Cole. Cole Matthews is a fifteen-year old teenager from Minneapolis. He is a baby-faced person with dirty blonde hair, and he is considered big for his age. Cole is a generally rude person and he doesn't care what other people think about him. For example, on page three in the book Touching Spirit Bear states, “Cole Matthews knelt defiantly…” Cole might not seem …show more content…

Also, he doesn't trust anyone who isn’t afraid of him. For example, on page four, the book clarifies, “He didn’t trust anyone who wasn’t afraid of him.” As you can see, Cole is not the nicest person in the world. Cole Matthews has been in trouble with the law for half of his life. An example from the text is (page five) “...who has been in trouble with the law half his life.” Many people in the story think that he should get tried as an adult and spend some time in jail so he doesn't hurt anyone else. For example, on page forty-six, Peter’s lawyer says, “‘That boy is dangerous,’ she said. ‘Next time he might kill someone. This Circle Justice has it's place, but I oppose any plan that does not isolate Cole Matthews.’” Many characters in the book think that Cole should have all the things that he’s done to happen to him. In the book, Touching Spirit Bear, on page fifty, Peter says, “‘I think someone should smash Cole’s head against a sidewalk so he knows how it feels.’” In conclusion, Cole is not afraid to hurt people who aren’t afraid of him. Cole is not polite to anyone around him, even if they are a figure of importance. For example, on page four Edwin says, “‘Go put your clothes on inside out,’he ordered. ‘Get real, old man.’” Many characters in the book Touching Spirit Bear view Cole as a nuisance and pain in the rear. According to the text, on page twenty-one Garvey states, “I don’t invest time in losers.”

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