
Quotes From Touching Spirit Bear

Decent Essays

The book I chose for this assignment was Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen. I chose to write about Cole Matthews, the main character, because he changed very much throughout the story. At first he thought any offer of help was out of pity. He also never took responsibility for his actions or accepted consequences. Lastly he only cared about himself. By the end of the book, all of this changed.
One way Cole changed was his way of accepting help. Before he switched his method Cole believed that anyone who offered him any help was running solely on pity. He would not accept any of it. After he realized that help is something that should be welcomed, he no longer was maddened when people offered it to him. Once in awhile, but only in dire situations, he would ask for it. In the text Cole asks, “Give me something to take away the monsters.” Learning that assistance is a great thing is one of the many ways that Cole changed in the story. …show more content…

Cole did many bad things throughout the story, they all led to consequences. He always found some way to blame it on someone or something other than himself. After being mauled by a bear, who was provoked. Cole blames it for attacking him even though he attacked first. In the text it says, “What luck, Cole thought. To end up on an island with a stupid bear that didn’t have the brains enough to run away.” I think this ridiculous; I am very glad that later in the book while talking about the bear situation he admitted that it was his fault. “He shook his head. ‘My fault!’ he whispered.” This shows he changed because he realized that the assault was his own

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