Need(s) that it Addresses
Using prediction as a strategy to foster comprehension.
The clinicians used Level 3 and 4 Passages to ask different questions to predict what would happen next. Torionne responded to these questions basing her responses in what she thinks would happen next.
Once Torionne finished reading the leveled passages, the clinicians prepared for her a selection of pages from a selected book for Torionne to predict what would happen next during the story. Torionne verified if her predictions were correct.
Self-monitoring her reading comprehension, and understanding of the passage.
Torionne made predictions about what she read. She tested these predictions, and realized the reasons why she failed
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Torionne was able to provide at least two pieces of literal information from the stories she read.
Reader’s theater
Torionne participated in the Reader’s Theater as a strategy to support her comprehension of the story.
Torionne was given a piece of scrip to read and perform.
After she performed her role in the reader’s theater, the clinicians asked some comprehension questions about the story
This activity supported Torionne’s need to realize that reading is a meaning-making process by checking her comprehension of the passage she read.
Torionne enjoyed her role in the Reader’s Theater and actively participate in this activity.
Torionne answered at four out of six comprehension questions that the clinicians asked.
Finish Me Story as a strategy to make reading a meaning-making process.
After reading the beginning of a story, Torionne wrote an alternative end. To write this alternative ending, Torionne created a mini book, in which she could write her ideas for the alternative end.
Torionne needed to carefully read the beginning of this passage, trying to make sense what she was reading, and comprehending details from the story to make predictions and inferences that would part of her alternative
Her realization about Trujillo was especially important. She could not understand how God could let someone that horrible control the country. Additionally, she did not know what she did to deserve losing her
After the first chapter of the novel, the audience is left seeking closure on the subject of Laura’s death. Because resolution is so anticipated, understanding the past is the key to illuminating the end. Not only is the reader awaiting the the closure that lies at the end of the novel, Laura is characterized as also seeking the truth behind what happened the night of her sister’s death
When Tamika began reading the historical fiction novel that took place during the same time period, she already had a good knowledge of the culture of the time.
It is here that I am able to see more into her thought processes, as I have understood Astell’s.
1. The essay has a large cast of characters: twenty-three to be exact. What function do these characters serve? How does Tannen introduce them to the reader? Does she describe them in sufficient detail?
This story, told from two different points of view, creates a sense of paranoia for readers because each narrator leads his audience to question the other. While Nanapush appears confident and speaks informally as a narrator, Pauline lacks confidence and struggles to take responsibility for her actions. At the beginning of the novel, Nanapush addresses Pauline’s tendency to lie when he states, for while I was careful with my known facts, she was given to improving the truth” (Erdrich, 39). Nanapush’s claim appears true throughout novel, for Pauline claims she tells “the truth or some version of it” (Erdrich, 65). Additionally, unlike Pauline, Nanapush has a less bizarre take on events, so readers often believe his story as the truth. Nevertheless, Pauline leads readers to also question Nanapush’s words when she calls him a “smooth- tongued artificer” (Erdrich, 196). This tension found between these two narrators conveys a sense of unreliable
The choices Michele makes accelerates his maturity and his interpretations. He enters a new world of which he can apprehend the real evil and cruelty. The reader of the text is made to relate in some way to the text relating
a sense. She does this by observing a character followed by imaginative backstories and hypothetical
Schools often require reading materials containing unfamiliar subjects to students. Recognizing that there is significance for critical understanding of the text itself as well as the act of reading, this explains why many students today struggle with reading material that is not relevant to their lifestyle. Freire portrays that by the statement, "reading the world precedes reading the word, and reading the word implies continually reading the world" (Freire 286). A person should read their world, and then interpret it. They can then use their existential experience of the world to connect to what they are reading in print, and better understand it.
The hint of panic in her mother's voice shook the little girl awake as an echo of metal clashing rang out through the halls. Thalia searched her room for something that would be the cause of the fear rising in her mother's eyes. Yet, Thalia's room looked just the same as it always was. The dark blue walls were littered with her many attempts at controlling her newfound powers, the floor was stained with holes from a sword, her ceiling was still yet to be touched. Her bed was still pressed against the far corner with her bookshelf right across from it. Her desk was still covered in her toys and her books were still stacked just as they were the night before.
Through reading the novel, one discovers that she did not agree with
The discrepancies of the Prioress are brought more when she tells her tale. In the General Prologue, it
This intervention has to deal with trying to increase my total weight and number of repetitions for weight lifting. The main problem I have been having, mostly with my bench press, has to do with being stuck at one weight at times and not being able to increase the maximum lift or get any more reps out of the workout. I have tried to "shock my system" by increasing the weights to a weight that I could only do one or two times. I have also tried building up my endurance through using less weight for more reps at times. No matter which I have tried, I always seem to get stuck at one point or another.
She dove into an expertly articulated description of Claire and Wasle’s feud as though her classroom had become the setting for a superhero prolog. By the time I’d interrupted her, she’d already mentioned something about blood money and an ancient curse. Needless to say, I asked her to skip ahead.
strategy. She did most of the reading, but every once in a while she picked one of the