
Top 10 Reasons Banning Books

Satisfactory Essays

There is no reason books should be banned. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean you have to take it away from everyone else. In the paragraphs below there will be an explanation on why books should not be banned. Books should not be banned just because it may not be appropriate for the reader. There are themes/lessons in these books. You can get a better idea of the world around you. Books serve a good lesson. Books serve a good purpose. “If you really want people not to read a certain book, banning will do the opposite” said Top 10 Reasons Banning Books is a Bad Idea. There are people who believe that books should be banned. But there is another side saying that banning books is wrong. We have something called a First Amendment. No person or group should decide what should or should not be read. These books have a feature called “diverse content” There is no need to argue about this topic.
Reasons why books should not be banned. You may need to add more depending on your thesis. “ Since the 1800s, attitudes about which books are “appropriate” for kids to read have too often suppressed stories about different cultures and life experiences.” said The Atlantic. Parents don’t have a …show more content…

Teachers and librarians would reject work that is “emotionally inappropriate” for the kids at the schools. Banned Books says that banning books from kids is bad. Banning books only hurts the writer because you think that there book is unacceptable. If the privilege of writing something one believes in is taken away, then the privilege of believing has been taken away. We should not underestimate our youths knowledge. A student can't be sheltered from what is true or from ideas that can change their lives. “Everyone deserves an opportunity to be touched by literature. Censoring books in a school library is not acceptable.” said Kendall Anderson. Banning books does

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