
Toni Bambara The Lesson Analysis

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Higher education can help people improve their social class and income. As the core reading The Lesson by Toni Bambara, Miss Moore showed the poor young girl a new world that higher education could offer. People like the young girl in the story want to get into good education facilities for a better life. Standardized tests are the stepping-stones to universities. Standardized tests score are often used to evaluate students’ performance. It is one of the most important measurements in college admission. In the recent years, a few universities remove the standardized tests score from their admission application requirement. Is that means standardized tests is not useful anymore? If so why it has been the most important measurements for students’ …show more content…

Standards for success, a consortium of 28 research institutions that belong to the Association of American Universities conduct a project “Mixed Messages” to study if the high school tests communicate about student readiness for college. The study include 55 secondary school tests in 20 states, the subject include research, reading and math. The study result suggests none of the state tests could be measured for students’ skill for any of those three subjects. David T. Conley, director of the project, who is also a professor of educational department at the University of Oregon thought the educators still have a long way “ to go before state high- school exams across the nation align well with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in postsecondary education” (Hebel 3). The study reveals us a thought-provoking conclusion: even the standard test is designed for value students’ knowledge and learning abilities, but in fact SAT and ACT cannot reflect students’ skills expect upon enrollment. The spokesman for the National Association of Secondary School Principals Michael Carr said the state officials and leaders of both secondary schools and colleges need to work …show more content…

The law is simply asked all the universities and colleges in Russia to include a unified state examination in their application process. It reminds us the original intention of the standardized tests – helps students from poor or geographically isolated have chances of getting into high education facilities, which helps them to chase their dream and have a wealthier and better

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