
Tom That Rock Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Character Trait: A character’s actions , thoughts and words are clues to a character’s personality. How would you describe your main character? Choose 1 word that best describes the main character’s personality. Provide 2 examples from the story that support this character trait. Explain in your own words how this character trait is shown and provide cited text and page numbers to support your explanation. Example - Tom is a mischievous boy with an active imagination who spends most of the novel getting himself, and often his friends, into and out of trouble. One example of Tom’s mischievous personality is when Tom’s Aunt Polly is searching the house for him. She finds him in the closet, discovers that his hands are covered with jam, and goes to grab him. Tom cries out theatrically, “Look behind you!” and when Aunt Polly turns, Tom escapes over the fence ( 5-6). Another example of this trait is … “...”

In the book “Swim that rock” the main character Jake Cole is very courageous, an example of his courageousness is when he was walking down the street in a category 3 hurricane on the first page. …show more content…

Answer in your own words. ● What details does the author provide about this setting in the story? Provide cited text and page numbers from your book. ● Was the setting essential to the story? Why or why not? Example: The story’s action takes place mostly in the servants’ headquarters. “It was quite a small room, with heavy black beams in the ceiling. By daylight it was amazingly dirty. The stones of the floor were stained and greasy, ash was piled within the fender, and the cobwebs hung in dusty droops from the beams. There was a layer of dust on the skull. Sophie absently wiped it off as she went to peer into the sink beside the workbench. She shuddered at the pink and grey slime in it and the white slime dripping from the pump above it. Howl obviously did not care what squalor his servants lived in” (

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