
Today And Brave New World Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

In society there have been many things that have changed over time due to technology and different views. There are many similarities from Brave New World and our society today yet there are many differences. For example, drugs, entertainment, family and religion are similar in both worlds, but also different. Since change in a culture is inevitable throughout time, it can lead for many people to be preoccupied with the entertainment around us.
In Brave New World and our society that we live in today can be similar in the way how Drugs are used and the way entertainment is seen in both perspectives. In Both societies they use drugs but for different reasons. In Brave New World the citizens are implemented to take soma if they feel unsatisfied, want to feel happy, or to face their daily duties. Soma is distributed by the government and the citizens are conditioned to take it and love it, it is “their perfect drug”. Soma is a necessity for them since it helps them keep their social order without anyone feeling upset. “Take a holiday from reality whenever you like, and come back without so much as a …show more content…

Many people and Postman believe that we will eventually become like Brave New World if we continue to behave on following what is put out their on social media and not have our own thoughts. Since the trend is to follow what others are doing, for example sex is normalized and drugs will eventually be. Although many people do not believe that this can happen since there will always be people who will voice their opinion and go on the contrary of what others are saying and we have also came to far along in society that no matter what happens no way that everybody can be happy. Not many people will do since there tends to be more followers than leaders and many people can easily be swayed by their ideas and stars they look up to. They will side with them no matter what

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