
Addiction In Brave New World

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In Brave New World, the soma that people take can quickly become addicting. When Lenina and Bernard see Linda and John at the Savage Reservation, Linda tells Lenina, “What I had to suffer - and not a gramme of soma to be had” (Huxley 120). The people in Brave New World are happy when they have soma. Soma does not have the awful side effects that alcohol has. When John, the Savage, starts to throw people’s soma distribution’s out the window “…the khaki mob was silent, petrified, at the spectacle of this wanton sacrilege, with amazement and horror” (Huxley 213). The people are addicted to soma in the same way that people are addicted to alcohol today. “… 17% of women in the UK drink enough to put themselves physically and psychologically

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