
To This Day For The Beautiful By Minh Koyczan Summary

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ullies have been a long time pest that people will eventually encounter in their life, comparable to an obstacle, they can cause worry, concern, agitation, etc. Though those feelings depend on the person and whether they see that “obstacle” as easy to overcome or difficult to prevail over. In Shane Koyczan’s poem “To this day… for the Bullied and the Beautiful”, he talks about how his past experiences with bullies have had many different influences and impacts on his life and one’s other. With deep insight, one can be able to see how bullies affect the development of one’s identity, their personality, and social interactions positively and negatively. For instance “We used to stay inside for recess because outside was worse. Outside we’d have to rehearse running away or learn to stay still like statues …show more content…

They no longer had their recess, not at all because their teacher cancelled it or the school decided “No more recess!”, but rather they chose not to participate because they knew that going outside would not have been any fun. In other words, it was stripped away from them psychologically because in their head they must have told themselves something along the lines “Don’t go outside, it’s dangerous. Stay in here while it’s safe”. Bullies can use physical power, their intelligence (if they have any), or one that is more commonly used today, words. Additionally, words have been one of the major tools bullies use to harass their victims with. Words hold a lot of power and can affect an individual more than one thinks it would. In particular “She doesn’t think she’s beautiful because of a birthmark that takes up a little less than half of her face. Kids used to say she looks like a wrong answer that someone tried to erase but couldn’t quite get the job done.” Beauty is something that everyone has, it does not just include your

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