
To Kill A Mockingbird Quotes To Show Courage

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“Courage is the main quality of leadership, in my opinion, no matter where it is exercised. Usually it implies some risk - especially in new undertakings,” Walt Disney, American entrepreneur, animator, once said. This quote shows how courage has to do with leadership. It also implies that it can involve risk but having courage will lead people through it. Harper Lee’s book, To Kill A Mockingbird, tells a story of a family during the Great Depression. Atticus, the father, is an attorney defending a black man accused of rape. Jem and Scout are the children of Atticus, through the summer they become obsessed in Boo Radley, the neighbor who was never came out and was rumored to be scary. They deal with the struggles of their father defending a …show more content…

Atticus made courageous actions when he stood up for Tom Robinson against the mob. Atticus says “You can turn around and go home again, Watler” (202) Instead of giving in to the mob, Atticus had simply told them to leave in order to protect Tom Robinson. This shows a lot of courage on Atticus’s part because these people are part of his community and it could have been easy to just let them terrorize Tom Robinson. Little did Atticus know that the kids were watching this all happened, and they saw how Atticus stood up for Tom Robinson. Watching their dad have courage for problems that he faced, helps change the views on courage. Scout had said “Don’t you touch him!’ I kicked the man swiftly. Barefooted, I was surprised to see him fall back in real pain. I intended to kick his shin, but aimed too high.” Scout has the courage to stand up for her brother. As a little girl she watches how her dad had handled the problem and decided to take things into her own term. Scout must be very courageous by handling thing herself. The children's ways of courage are changing by watching their father handle hard

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