
To Kill A Mockingbird Quotes Courage

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Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. In some cases, courage is using your words instead of your actions. Both statements are a major theme towards the end of To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus uses his words, rather than weapons, to disarm. Sometimes, courage is having a gun in your hand, and sometimes, it is not. In To Kill a Mockingbird, a great deal of courage is shown by Atticus throughout the story. An excerpt from the book illustrates Atticus's courage perfectly, " Lemme tell you somethin' now, Billy," a third said, "you know the court appointed him to defend this nigger." "Yeah, but Atticus aims to defend him. That's what I don't like about it" (Lee 163). Atticus again displays courage at the beginning of chapter 23, after …show more content…

The military and police are excellent examples of my beliefs. The everyday life of these heroic civil servants is fraught with stress that they have to deal with. These men and women must know when to use and when not to use "lethal force." The authorities, recently, have been quite liberal in their application of lethal force, according to main stream media. First, in Ferguson, Missouri, an eighteen year old boy was shot and killed by an officer of the law. The police report says that Michael Brown,the now deceased teen, charged Officer Darren Wilson's cruiser after Wilson accosted him when a report of a robbery was sent out. Officer Wilson opened fire on Brown after repeated orders to raise his hands. Secondly, in New York, a report went out saying that there was a black man selling cigarettes on the street corner, which is against New York law. New York officers approached Eric Garner, now deceased, and demanded that he put his hands behind his back. After refusing to do so, an officer initiated an illegal choke hold on Garner. Garner, clearly stating that he couldn't breathe ,once he was on the ground ,with an officer's knee on his head, later died from said choke hold. The military must also be careful in their application of force. There is always the possibility of civilians losing their lives in the line of fire. Military personnel could also commit war crimes if force is applied too

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