
Third Culture Kid Research Paper

Decent Essays

“Let’s go, we’re going to be late!”
“Relax mom we don’t need to be super early to everything!”
I listened to his conversation between my mom and my brother as I dragged my suitcase down the stairs. When I was dragging it I realized something. I realized that I was a Third Culture Kid. A Third Culture Kid is somebody who was raised outside of their parent’s culture for most of their life. I have moved more than 6 times in my life, and most of the times I moved to a different country. I think that being a Third Culture Kid has allowed me to learn more about myself and become a more accepting person.
When I moved to Singapore I didn’t have many friends. I was alone a lot and therefore I had a lot of time to think. And through this I realized that I was a very shy when it comes to new things. I learned that when I met new people, I wasn’t very talkative. Consequently I realized that if I was going to make new friends then I needed to be able to talk to them. When I realized this the next day at school I asked one of my few friends to introduce me to some people. I met one of my best friends that day all because I put myself out there and learned to talk to people. Because I had that time to …show more content…

Some of them were completely opposite from each other. They had different cultures and different viewpoints, but they were all human. I learned to accept people because of one person. He was one of my best friends at the time, and he was really nice. The only thing about him was that we had completely different opinions on sports. I used to play basketball a lot and he used to play soccer. He thought that basketball was a dumb sport and he didn’t want to play it. And I didn’t like to play soccer. But I wanted to still be friends with him so I decided that it would be best if we didn’t play basketball or soccer when we were with each other. So whenever we played with each other at recess we always played

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