
These various groups are united in their desire for regime change – Sudanese people, who suffer

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These various groups are united in their desire for regime change – Sudanese people, who suffer under the weight of terrorism, murder and starvation, displacement and genocide for the past 30 years have decided to revolt against their suppressors. They went out demonstrating in the streets, but the thugs of the government inundated their hands in the blood of the victims they slaughtered and murdered. Internet services are cut off and newspapers are confiscated and offices of news channels and Arab and world satellite channels are closed so as to silence the voice of the people. Since its independence of 1956 to date, Sudan has witnessed 2 attempted revolutions to overthrow the regime. For years, the Sudanese population yearned for …show more content…

Thus adding that the army is well trained and is physically prepared to enforce the commands of president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir to establish security and stability in the country. ‘Battles have been reported to be ongoing in West Kordofan which borders South Sudan between a group of rebels called ‘Girifna’ and the Sudanese army’ (Thousands of Sudan’s NISS members stage show of force in Khartoum, 2014,Para 2-3). Sudan People Liberation Movement North (SPLM-N) which is a member of ‘Girifna’ says that the army would carry out a military campaign to exclude the armed rebellion if the protests and parades do not stop. (Thousands of Sudan’s NISS members stage show of force in Khartoum, 2014,Para 2-3). Statement of the NPA(New Anticapitalist Party): Support to the Sudanese revolution. "The NPA salutes the uprising of the Sudanese people, provides support to them, demands the liberation of the prisoners, truth and justice for the martyrs. The NPA calls all student, political and trade unions forces for mobilization and solidarity with the Sudanese people in struggle for democracy and social justice." (OpenDemocracy, 2013,Para 1-4) Recommendations- The 21ST Century, created what can only be classified as an absolute miscarriage of justice. An estimated figure of about 200 individuals within a matter of days have been imprisoned whilst being tortured and severely beaten. The severity of this outcome in itself is a reflection

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