One thing that can be said about humans is that each and every one of us is unique. 7.4 billion people on our planet and there are no two that are the same. Despite this, we as humans all seem to follow very similar paths throughout our individual lives. One such path that we follow is the path of love. Beginning at infancy, we experience the love of our parents. With childhood, we develop a sense of love in regards to certain foods or maybe a pet. Adolescence brings forth the understanding of a deeper more emotional love. We begin to develop a sense of love for ourselves and from this a sense of love for others. This love grows more as the individual ascends into adulthood and old age. Love is an essential part to the development of individuals throughout their lifetimes and helps humans be the best that they can be. Developing this sense of love within ourselves and onto others is what makes us human. In order to understand love, we have to understand humans. Humanistic psychology as well as the theory of humanism has made it possible to do this. Humanistic Psychology or humanism emerged in the 1950s. It was an alternative approach to the dominant …show more content…
During this period of life, humans tend to move onto more serious relationships. The love they have for themselves as well as others has usually become more defined and stronger than it was in adolescence. The love for one’s self and for others that has continuously developed during adolescence will have had a major impact on the individual. It will have manifested and grown to allow the individual to be the best that they can be. By now, the individual will have found someone who should be on the same page as them in life and will continue to grow with that person as time goes on. Within this relationship, a set of values have been defined and will be passed along to the next generation where the path of love will be
Teenagers contain a lot of anxest and one thing their mind ponders on is finding love. For example, Romeo claims to falls in “love” several times before he meets Juliet. With that motive in mind when the two met they
This idea of love extends to romantic relations, familial love, and love of interests: the universal components of life. Essentially, love’s importance for human flourishing spawns from the exclusivity as we will always prioritize that person or object above all else; thus, it enables humans to have a purposeful and consistent direction in life. We continue to attempt to maximize our fulfillment through focusing on the people and objects of our love. Furthermore, the limitations of time is the greatest constraint on humans; thus, an individual must decide which of their favorite fields and relationships should be further developed. And based on my experiences and observations, which are limited due to my lack of experience compared to an older person, an individual will choose the option that they love the most. Ergo, reinforcing the exclusiveness from the rest of the choices as they prioritized the option that they loved. Though it could be argued that many individuals later change their options throughout their lives as many people tend to change their careers and partners that they once loved. But, these changes could occur despite the individual’s choice. Some of the people may change careers due to the effects of the economy such as
Humanistic Theory is the main focus on self, which transcends into “you” and “your”, then it will be about your experiences. It was mentioned that a person is free to choose their own behavior than just reacting to environmental stimulants and reinforcements ( Then with Humanistic Theory it is mostly focused on to facilitate personal development all together. The theorists that was associated with the Humanistic Theory was Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. Rogers felt that a person functions from a distinctive frame of reference in terms of building self – concept. Then Maslow believed that a person has certain needs to be encountered in a hierarchical order as in from lowest to highest( Also as remembered my theoretical orientation is Structural Family Therapy. Structural Family Therapy is a model of treatment based on systems theory (Horne & Ohlsen, 1982). Also, SFT is a body of theory and techniques that approaches individuals in their social and relational contexts (Vetere, 2001). The thing that Humanistic Theory and Structural Family Therapy (SFT) have in common are the family or individual deals with changes. By both theories dealing with families or individuals that has to make changes that come from their experiences.
Most of the time romantic experiences during our adolescence are short and superficial and at times this assumption would be true. Duration of romantic experience during the adolescence time are usually short and do not end up in a serious long-term relationship. However, this is not always the case. These types of relationship play a major role in adolescence lives. (Eder, 1993; Thompson 1994). Our lives are influenced by our friendships, schools and parents, however relationships play major role and leave us with positive or negative emotions. (Wilson-Shockey, 1995). Thus, relationship play major role in shaping us during the adolescence stage in our lives.
Humanistic conceptual theories, such as person-centered, Gestalt, or existential theories, center on the relationship between clinician and client (Miller et al., 2011). They focus on the interpersonal skills of the clinician to guide the work through “acceptance, honesty, genuineness, and a warmth that the client can sense” (Miller et al., 2011, p. 1). From a humanistic perspective of social work, a house parent’s job is to walk with his or her clients on their journeys as they explore their suffering and continue to move forward. Social workers must focus on the person as a whole and not at the negative aspects of any individual or community. By focusing positive energy and emotion on the clients and their goals, clients will be more inclined
Here I am going to explain the key characteristics of: Humanistic theory, Psychodynamic theory and CBT. Firstly I am going to talk about what I think the Humanistic theory is, this approach works by providing the client with a better understand of themselves. It helps them to understand their feelings and gives them a chance to explore the option to create personal choices. Humanistic therapy is used for depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, stress, loss etc. It pushes the client to work towards self-awareness and self-realization. Deurzen (2002) says the humanistic approach will always include a through consideration of limitations, realities and consequences. The counsellor shows honesty and openness towards the client making them feel comfortable and even equal. The key characteristics are congruence, genuineness and empathy. The counsellor accepts the client for who they are and is non-judgmental, also using UPR (unconditional positive regard) putting themselves in their clients shoes. Humanistic overall is an approach looking at the client, not only through counselor’s eyes but through the client’s eyes too. The allegation has been made before that the CBT therapy counsellor does not actually have to be aware of the theoretical basis of CBT in order to practice. “Some may argue that the theory side of CBT may be important for the academic and researcher but hardly for the therapist, who needs to know what works and how to work it. Indeed a hard line
Today, it is not barely to see that girls and boys from middle schools or from high schools holding their hands in public; and it is also very common that a teenager says “love” to a boy or a girl through any ways, either face to face or via social media. As the readers, think about when your first love started. It can start as early as in middle schools. According to “Why Puppy Love Matters For Parents” written by Sue Shellenbarger in 2009, “The romantic ties kids form between middle school and college are important markers of progress toward adulthood.” (para.
Love is a basic need in every living thing. The ability to be social and interact with the living things around you is very important. Some would say that the root of some mental illness’ is from the lack of love, or too much love. In the book by Gary Chapman, “The 5 Love Languages” he talks about the importance of love and how we all communicate love in different ways, as well as how much of an impact these different languages have on every day life.
You may be asking yourself what exactly is a Humanistic approach to Psychology. Well, it is a method that was originally pioneered by Carl Rogers, which focusses on obtaining self-actualization. It was later put into a different perspective by Abraham Maslow but still relied strongly upon Rogers’ work with the theory.
The focus of this paper is the person-centered approach, which is the understanding of personality and human relationships in psychotherapy and counseling in the areas of client-centered therapy, education of student-centered learning, organizations, and other group settings. Even though psychoanalysis and behaviorism have made major contributions to psychology, it has influenced the understanding and practices of the humanistic movement, specifically with the therapies for the different mental disorders. Psychoanalysis understands the unconscious behavior, behaviorism focuses on the conditioning process that produces behavior. Humanistic psychology focuses on the person's potential to act as a whole person in a nurturing environment by
Personality is looked at everyday purposely and accidently. Whether you are judging how your new professor for the semester will be, or if you are studying your best friend for a project, personality is studied abundantly. While there are many ways to define personality, there is not a worldwide definition around. Personality is the unique combination of patterns that influence behavior, thought, motivation, and emotion in a human being ( That is one of many ways of defining personality. When examining personality, there are four main approachable theories including: The Psychodynamic Approach, The Trait Approach, The Social-Cognitive Approach, and The Humanistic Approach.
The human idea of love is quite possibly the most misunderstood in today’s society. Love can be between a man and woman, mother/father and their kids, or even really good friends. However, these relationships of love go through many interactions and stages to start and progress. Many psychological events must occur and be worked through in order to be successful. All relationships must endure the five perspectives of human behavior. These perspectives are biological, learning, social and cultural, cognitive, and psychodynamic influences.
During the 1950s the humanistic approach was established, this was because of the growing panic therapists started to experience due to the limitations of psychoanalysis. The man who started this approach was Carl Rogers; he had no faith in psychoanalysis due to his belief that psychoanalysis had fallen short in handling the nature of healthy growth in the individual. Rather than just looking at behaviour from an observer’s point of view, Humanism looks at behaviour from the eyes of the person in question. Due to the fact that this approach centres on personal experiences and subjective concepts, humanists do not deem scientific practices as justified or acceptable. This perspective proposes that each and every one of us is liable for our own euphoria. In modern day psychotherapy an extensive field of efficient methods are at our disposal due to the impact of humanistic
In contrast to Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalytical theory which posited the unconscious as the driving force behind human action to which the self had little control, 'humanistic theory instead focuses on positive attributes t0 what they considered it to be human. To better understand some of the attributes and notions of humanistic theory the following paper analysis's two humanistic theories in turn. Specifically Maslow conception of self actualisation and Roger's phenomenological based personality theory. This is followed by discussing some strength and limitations to humanistic theories in understanding relationships, others and the self. In Katie's case she has a loving family and a sister who loves her but she still have this eating
Love is also very important during the development stages of children and teens because it can have many different effects on their personality and lifestyle when they get older. From the beginning we experience love from our parents, after all they did bring you into this world. As we grow older we make friends, and some of those friendships will