
Theoretical Perspectives

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Theoretical Perspectives are different ways people can view reality and it helps families understand why family practices and patterns are the way they are. The eight family perspectives are family ecology, family development, structure-functionalism, the interactionist perspective, exchange theory, family systems theory, conflict and feminist theory, and biosocial perspectives. The family may cause its members to be involved in arguments and other forms of conflict so these theoretical perspectives make it easier to understand and process the information in each of the eight perspectives. Family ecology is a perspective that explores how a family influences and also is influenced by the surrounding environment. This theoretical perspective …show more content…

Structure-functionalism is a macro theory which means that this perspective studies society and millions of people from everywhere. The structure functionalism family intends to fulfill six needs: economic production, socialization of children, care of the sick and aged, recreation, sexual control, and reproduction which are all characteristics needed for survival. Unfortunately families don’t have members to count on for emotional support and this makes them more vulnerable to abuse especially physical and sexual …show more content…

In this theory people act to increase their advantages and decrease their disadvantages in a situation. The exchange theory is a micro theory and it focuses on an individual, family, or group of people. Families need to realize that things are in their best interests when they make compromises, when they do they will see improvements.
The family systems theory is used when the family as a whole is more than the sum of its parts. This theory is a micro theory because this theory is used to study a group, individual, and family or team. With a family systems theory the family is understood when the family is broken down into different parts, like a computer. In order to fix what is broken the family has to go to a therapist and figure out what needs to be repaired. The family system theory function is to consider dysfunctions and functions of an organization or in this case, a

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