Theoretical Perspectives are different ways people can view reality and it helps families understand why family practices and patterns are the way they are. The eight family perspectives are family ecology, family development, structure-functionalism, the interactionist perspective, exchange theory, family systems theory, conflict and feminist theory, and biosocial perspectives. The family may cause its members to be involved in arguments and other forms of conflict so these theoretical perspectives make it easier to understand and process the information in each of the eight perspectives. Family ecology is a perspective that explores how a family influences and also is influenced by the surrounding environment. This theoretical perspective …show more content…
Structure-functionalism is a macro theory which means that this perspective studies society and millions of people from everywhere. The structure functionalism family intends to fulfill six needs: economic production, socialization of children, care of the sick and aged, recreation, sexual control, and reproduction which are all characteristics needed for survival. Unfortunately families don’t have members to count on for emotional support and this makes them more vulnerable to abuse especially physical and sexual …show more content…
In this theory people act to increase their advantages and decrease their disadvantages in a situation. The exchange theory is a micro theory and it focuses on an individual, family, or group of people. Families need to realize that things are in their best interests when they make compromises, when they do they will see improvements.
The family systems theory is used when the family as a whole is more than the sum of its parts. This theory is a micro theory because this theory is used to study a group, individual, and family or team. With a family systems theory the family is understood when the family is broken down into different parts, like a computer. In order to fix what is broken the family has to go to a therapist and figure out what needs to be repaired. The family system theory function is to consider dysfunctions and functions of an organization or in this case, a
To get a full understanding of family theory one must first have the understanding of what is theory. Theory is a systematic collection of concepts and relations. Family however can mean a broad range of things to a person. One person may consider family to be father, mother, sister and brother; however, to someone else family could be just one parent with one child; and to another it could their friends. Family systems theory however defines the family as a system. Family consist of interrelated parts, each impacting the other and adding to each other’s growth (or detriment) of the other. And because family is always changing, growing, self-organizing, and becoming accustomed to each other and the exterior environment (White & Klein, 2008). Now let’s take a look at the
It comes down to focusing on what is the cause of the problem and what needs to be done to resolve it. Some assumptions that are related to this theory can include families normally related to one another in “patterned ways that are observable and predictable” (Linblad-Goldberg & Northey, 2013), most families have rules that each must follow and roles they are to play in the family unit, when they get off balance then dysfunction can and normally does occur. It is important that families have boundaries which include both inside and outside of the family. Families also have subsystems which can be based on either generation or genders.
According to Minuchin (1985), six basic principles outline the Family Systems theory. Each principle describes the function in which a family and its subsystems operate and the inextricable relationships within the system. The first principle of Minuchin’s (1985) theory implies that each member develops and is enveloped within the family unit, while the second principle states that there is a continuous loop in which each member feeds the behaviours of another. Thirdly, family systems have homeostatic elements which restore the family back to its equilibrium when disarrayed (Minuchin, 1985).
The structural family theory developed by Salvador Minuchin in the 1960’s, used to focus structural change within a dysfunctional family. The purpose of understanding the structure of the family has been to assist in creating a healthy balance within the
One of the strengths of Functional-structural perspective is positive about society. The theorists believe that the family
As a functionalist view, they believed that the family had to teach the norms and values so they believed that the ‘Traditional Nuclear Family’ was the best type of family. Functionalists believed that the husband and wife have segregated
Another concept views the Family as a Component of Society, this structural-functional theory addresses the family on a broader scale in terms of their contributions, needs and successes like other social systems (eg., educational and healthcare system (p.90, 2003).
What are the three major sociology perspectives in regards to social issues? They are Symbolic Interactionism perspectives, Functionalism perspectives, and Conflict Theory perspectives. These perspectives offer sociologists abstract examples for explaining how society affects people, and vice versa. Each perspective individually theorizes society, social forces, and human behavior.
The Structural functional theory is focused on the gender roles of a family. The female is the homemaker
‘The family performs important tasks that contribute to society’s basic needs and helps perpetuate social order.’ (Anthony Giddens 2006 - Page 238) Functionalists believe a family’s paramount purpose is to raise and support their children within society.
Evaluate the functionalist view of the family by referring to for example, the view that the family has lost functions/role due to structural differentiation.
In many ways family systems theory can be seen as a broad field where there many different implications that make up the system, it is a system. A system is a set of objects that are bound together by a relationship, which are based around the attributes of the objects as drawn upon by (Janet.BB, 1982). Family systems theory addresses the many different ideals and values that make up a typical family, these include the roles each member of the family, the power relations either from the male of the family or both parents of the family, the boundaries that are set within the family to ensure that the structure of the family is secure, in both individualistic and collectivist families this can be seen (Fred Rothbaum, 2002).
• Family developmental theory is an approach to studying families, which is useful in explaining patterned change, the dynamic nature of the family, and how change occurs in the family life cycle.
In system theory, behaviors and family members responses influence the family pattern and life. Meanings and values are vital components of the
The Structural Functionalist view marriage as essential to society and its wellbeing. According to the Functionalists marriage is universal in its fulfillment of six needs of society: Economic production, Socialization of children, Care of the sick and aged, Recreation, Sexual control, and Reproduction.