
Theme Of Touching Spirit Bear

Decent Essays

In the novel Touching Spirit Bear the main character, Cole Matthews, a juvenile delinquent from Minneapolis, Minnesota, finds himself in a tussel. Cole blames the world around him for everything that happens. Cole’s biggest conflict in his life has been his own lack in contemplating situations. Cole has been making lots of mistakes in his life because of this issue. When Cole beat up a fellow classmate, Peter Driscal, he left mental and physical scars. Cole finds himself banished to a remote island in Alaska by himself for a year. Cole obviously does not understand the severity of the situation that he is placed under. He takes all the given tools and the given shed for granted and he burns the shelter that was there for him. He is later attacked by a bear. This bear does not directly attack Cole and it does not kill him. Cole aggravated the bear and threw a …show more content…

After this, he is sent back to the island. When he is sent back after about a day or two of being back he started realizing that a daily routine would make this year go by a lot faster. This routine would also help him release the madness inside him. As aforementioned in a previous dissertation, the youth of today does not fully understand the severity of a situation unless they are presented with the same situation. Cole comes to realize just how dramaturgical it is to be mauled without any opportunity to stop this drubbing. The repercussion to this act of vile thrashing is both a mental and physical cicatrix. Cole would still not change his philosophy about the equality of power between spirit of oneself and the person showing on the outside. Cole begins to feel very bad about the antecedent thrashing of Peter when he is back on the island and realizes that his actions spoke a lot louder than words. He would have to bring Peter to the island to understand that Cole has changed, and that he is willing to apologize for

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