
Theme Of Social Inequality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The inequalities of race, social class, and age is a major theme demonstrated in the book To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee as well as in modern day society. The segregation of African Americans is a obvious problem in the text. The African Americans were always in different places than the whites and this is still happening in places like schools today. Social class has become a big problem in modern day society and in the text. Each person or family is put into a social class and that behavior is relevant in modern society. Peoples age has always affected one’s rights or the way they are treated. The African Americans lived in a different area than the whites and the lower social class lives near them. This is the case in modern society, the lower class and some African Americans live in a different location either because they can’t afford it or any other reasons that may cause them to live in a different location. …show more content…

Although this book is set in the early 1930’s, racial segregation is still a serious topic in modern society. “The colored balcony ran along three walls” of the courtroom where the Africans were to sit (Lee, 219). The balcony was up above the whites because the whites didn’t want to sit near them. The African Americans were not to sit in the lower part of the courtroom because they are being segregated. In modern society, many African Americans go to school with “poverty, limited resources, social strife and health problems” (“Segregation Today,” 2003). The students that go to lower rated schools tend to not do very good in school because the schools are not prepared for higher education. A higher education level would benefit students, but segregation causes many African Americans to not get the education they deserve. People are being separated based on the color of their skin and this causes many conflicts between

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