
Theme Of Leadership In Antigone

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“ The nation will find it very hard to look up to the leaders who are keeping their ears to the ground.” This is a quote from Sir Winston. The Greek Drama Antigone is about a girl who lost her parents and most recently her twin brothers. Creon the King of Thebes, and also her uncle, is new in possessing the throne and he established a law in which a burial for Polynices, Antigone’s brother, was forbidden. In the play, Sophocles’ purpose for writing about leadership was to convey that as a valuable leader they must know what their true values are, as well as, when to prioritize them, because they need to do what they think is best for the city, they need to listen to the opinion of others, and should still remain powerful.
Sophocles’ purpose for writing about leadership in Antigone was to demonstrate that as a leader they must know what their true values, as well as, when to prioritize them, because they need to do what they think is best for the city. This is shown when Greon is introducing himself as the one who possesses the throne and the power along with it. He explains how you cannot know a man completely until the experience and what his standards are such as not putting a friend …show more content…

In order to be an influential leader they need to inspire and the only way that will be possible is if they listen to the people around them. Furthermore, Sophocles’ purpose in writing about leadership was to convey that as a leader, they must know what their true values are, because it will help them make decisions easier, help them listen to those around them and it will help them maintain their position as an impactful leader. Creon needed to get a hold on what he truly valued. There were improvements that needed to be made but he was ignorant. His son, the leader, and Tiresias tried to advise him but Creon failed to communicate well with

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