
Theme Of Ambition In Macbeth

Decent Essays

Jamie Bryenton
Ambition in Macbeth
The act of Ambition can be described as having an eager mindset to obtain what you desire, however Ambition can also be accompanied by negative characteristics such as greed, ruthless power and selfishness.
Such ambition is evident in Shakespeare's Tragedy Of Macbeth, where a Scottish hero by the name of Macbeth receives unbelievable prophecies from three witches who state that he will one day become King. Fueled with ambition Macbeth alongside his wife, Lady Macbeth set out to become the new rulers of Scotland, blindly harming many in the process without sense of morality. Eventually, Lady Macbeth kills herself out of her own guilt and as a consequence for Macbeths crooked actions, he is beaten in a violent battle.
The use of Nemesis throughout the story exemplifies the idea that when somebody acts with a blind ambition, it can often lead to harmful decision making, usually leading to one's downfall.
In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is visited by three witches who prophesies his future, telling him that he will be named Thane of Cawdor, and that he will soon become the King. During this time, Macbeth instantaneously begins to think about killing king duncan, but the thought of doing it scares him. This shows that Macbeth is struggling over his own ambition, as Macbeth states in a Aside: “The supernatural soliciting cannot be I’ll, but cannot be good. If I’ll, why hath it given me earnest of success commencing

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