
Their Eyes Were Watching God Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

Love is a mysterious feeling. We can feel it in different situations, at different times, but the “stars will align,” and it will come to us some way, some how. Although sometimes, it takes a little longer than we hope for love to come into our lives. For Janie, from the coming-of-age novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, it took her multiple tries to meet the one that she really, truly loved. His name is Tea Cake, also known as Vergible Woods. Since they loved each other so much, Janie stayed with Tea Cake until his dying breath. Even though their love was incredibly strong, they still had challenges within their marriage. However, because of their firm love, they were able to push through and not be torn apart. …show more content…

“A little seed of fear was growing into a tree” (Hurston 136), it kept on growing and created doubt when, “Other people began to notice too…” (Hurston 136). Janie began to doubt Tea Cake and his discernment in his decisions about how to react. This doubt is so incredible because Janie never felt this way in her marriage with Tea Cake, and it made it a lot worse when it was not just her noticing it. It is one thing for her to notice, because it is easier for her to have envy, but when other people notice it, it lights the flames of jealousy. Yet even in her doubt, she was still able to find some belief in Tea Cake’s loyalty to her, “She didn’t say this because she believed it. She wanted to hear his denial. She had to crow over the fallen Nunkie” (Hurston 138). Janie knew that he still loved her but she wanted to make him suffer and deny it one more time. She also wanted to prove to herself that she was in fact more powerful than Nunkie and that Tea Cake would never love anyone but …show more content…

their clothes had been torn away; till he hurled her to the floor …. doing things with their bodies to express the inexpressible; kissed her …. and they fell asleep in sweet exhaustion” (Hurston 137-138), that Tea Cake truly loved her more than anyone. This passage shows the deep connection between them, and how they expressed the love that could not be expressed through words, true love. They expressed their loyalty to each other by the expressions that their bodies created. In the culture that Janie lived in, they would express their deepest and truest feeling for someone through sex, so the actions of Tea Cake showed Janie that he loved her and only her. Even though she realized that he was loyal to her, she still had doubts, but it was not until Chapter 18 that she truly realized that she should not have any doubts. In Chapter 18, Tea Cake saves Janie from a rabid dog, proving to Janie of how much he loves her. “They fought and somehow he managed to bite Tea Cake….” (Hurston 166), this results in Janie apprehending the firm devotion that Tea Cake had towards Janie. As a result of it being a rabid dog, if he had gotten to Janie, the dog would have killed her, but because of Tea Cake’s courage and strong love for Janie, he saved

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