The Zika virus has extremely negative side effects in women who are or will become pregnant. With the virus showing no signs of slowing down Pope Francis had to take a stand that many people who have been devoted Christ followers could be upset by. Pope Francis in something that many people thought they would never see happen, said that in some cases, contraception can be used during sex. The Catholic Church has been against many forms of contraception for years however, given the issue, Pope Francis suggested it could be used to stop the spread of the virus. The author of the article, James T. Bretzke, a professor at Boston College and an expert in Moral Theology, is able to explain and discuss why Pope Francis is still following Catholic …show more content…
He is using a different principle, potentially in the future the safety of Christ’s followers can be put into consideration. The author is educated in this field and says the Pope’s comments are, “perfectly consistent with traditional Catholic moral teaching. ”Some people may view the Pope’s decision very negatively, many of those people could be considered traditionalist. They could follow the bible word for word, and in the bible it says no sex for pleasure, only sex to conceive a child. On the other hand, some people may praise him. Those followers may not be taking the bible by the book and have been waiting for a pope to adjust to modern times. But also, it is not something you must do as a follower of Christ, if you do not want to use contraception you do not have to. However, safe sex with the Zika virus outbreak is even more important than before and now people will not feel bad about taking their own health into consideration. This is on the opinion page of the Boston Globe so obviously the author has taken a stand on the issue, defending the Pope. But, its purpose is not the belittle those who disagree, it is simply to state the opinion that may not be as popular. While Christianity is the most popular religion in the world, many people may not care at all about the Pope’s decision. If they are not a practicing Christian they
Manufacturing does not have to worry about inventory over stock. With the rightful planning, there would be the proper amount of inventory at
One ongoing case that has evolved in the United States throughout the past couple of years is the Zika virus. The Chicago Tribune wrote “Commentary: To fight Zika, Deploy the National Guard” which was written on May 27, 2016 by ML Cavanaugh. According to, ML Cavanaugh is a United States Army strategist and has taught classes in the defense and strategic studies program. He was the youngest recipient of the “Order of Saint Gabriel the Archangel” according to
Pope Benedict XVI renewed the position of the Roman Catholic Church against the use of birth control and contraception. The position is part of the panoply of Catholic pro-life teachings that also include opposition to abortion, euthanasia and bioethical practices, such as human cloning or embryonic research. Pope Benedict’s comments came on the fortieth anniversary of the encyclical, which originally announced the comprehensive teaching. Pope Benedict called the original encyclical "An important document which addresses one of the essential aspects of the marital vocation
Rushdie states," And if too many people are being born, as a result, in part, of religious strictures against birth control, then too many people are also dying because religious culture, by refusing to face the facts of human sexuality also refuses to fight against the spread of sexually transmitted diseases" (390). Rushdie gives hints that he thinks religion causes the spread of STDs because some practices don't allow the use of protection and is a big reason the world is overpopulated. Further on, Rushdie says, "To choose unbelief is to choose mind over dogma, to trust in our humanity instead of all these dangerous divinities" (390). Rushdie then uses ethos by making the reader feel like if they believe in religion than that they cant make life decisions for themselves. He then continues and says, "The ancient wisdom are modern nonsenses" (391) which show that he completely rejects the old teachings.
The Olympic Games in Rio De Jaineiro during this past summer of 2016 shared the spotlight with the Zika Virus. Many athletes were concerned about this new transmitted virus and proceeded to walk away from the games. Even with many of the athletes backing out of the games there were many brave athletes that looked past this obstacle and focused on something else, winning the gold. The committee was thinking of relocating the Olympic Games because of the Zika breakout and all of the commotion it had caused. Not many knew about the new virus; how you could get it and how it was being spread. Many people just thought it was just another normal mosquito bite that only gave some type of minor flu. Little did anyone know that in fact the Zika Virus is very harmful and, can end up being deadly.
CDC has updated its interim guidelines for US healthcare providers caring for pregnant women and women of reproductive age during ongoing transmission of Zika virus. These guidelines apply to healthcare providers caring for women of reproductive age in the United States including US territories and will be updated as more information becomes available.
The article “Study Finds Multiple Problems In Fetuses Exposed to Zika Virus”, author Rob Stein (2016) explains the complications that babies in the womb might face when exposed to the Zika virus. Zika’s recent outbreak has created global concern, especially due to the known correlation of microcephaly in newborn infants (Stein, 2016). Unfortunately, a recent study has shown that Zika might cause more than microcephaly in infants whose mother had the Zika virus. Stein includes the report by The New England Medical Journal that showed the results of Zika in pregnant women could lead to miscarriages, brain damage, growth issues, and other health complications (Stein, 2016). Zika is a global health issue that requires assistance, research, and intervention strategies.
When people think of the word ‘epidemic’, they generally imagine a widespread disease that threatens humanity as a whole. While most of the hysteria associated with pandemics stem purely from fiction, it can be understandable why people always fear the worst. That is why when an outbreak of the Zika Virus was reported in the United States, an overall feeling of malaise set in. As of September 21, 2016, a total of 3,358 cases of the Zika Virus have been reported (“Center for Disease Control and Prevention”). Though the numbers are alarming, there is no need for a national quarantine or emergency evacuation. In reality, the Zika Virus is not as intimidating as society puts it out to be. The panic and confusion associated with
The reconstruction of the Roman Catholics argument is as follows: (1) If we turn our focus towards the basic study of biology an embryo is considered a human subject with a distinct identity that will begin development as soon as the gametes unite, then it is morally impermissible to use that embryo for its stem cells; (2) at the point that the embryo identifies as human it obtains its individual right to a “future-like-ours” or FLO; therefore anything that is not in the embryos favor violates that right; (3) making the serious damage and/or strain the embryo encounters during the process of obtaining embryotic stem cells is both immoral and an unlawful act; (4) from an Utilitarian
The recent outbreak of the Zika virus in parts of Central and South America has triggered widespread fear in the U.S. fueled in part by concentrated media coverage and false knowledge of the disease. In a recent survey conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center (2006) found that roughly 50% of Americans were concerned that the virus would expand to include the area in which they live, 19% believed that it is likely that sitting near an infected individual increased the likelihood of catching it, 38% believed that the virus is deadly, and 35% believed a conspiracy theory claiming that that genetically modified mosquitos have directly caused the virus to spread. Despite the popularity of these beliefs, they are all false according to the U. S. Center for Disease control and prevention (CDC, 2016b).
People such as President George W. Bush has made no secret of his view that sex education should teach teenagers "abstinence only" rather than including information on other ways to avoid sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. Unfortunately, despite spending more than $10 million on abstinence-only programs in Texas alone, this strategy has not been shown to be effective at curbing teen pregnancies or halting the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. (2010 Union of Concerned Scientists) In addition, the Bush administration distorted science-based performance measures to test whether abstinence-only programs were proving effective, such as charting the birth rate of female program participants. In place of such established measures, the Bush administration required the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to track only participants' program attendance and attitudes, measures designed to obscure the lack of efficacy of abstinence-only programs. (Federal Register 65:69562-65, November 17, 2000). This
The Zika virus is primarily spread through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito ( The Zika virus can pass from a pregnant woman to her fetus during pregnancy, which can result in serious birth defects such as microcephaly and Down syndrome. Currently the virus has not been found in breast milk. Zika can also be sexually transmitted. Evidence has been found in blood donors that do not show any signs or symptoms of having the Zika virus. Blood transfusions and organ transplants can also be another way for the virus to be transmitted
Trumps Attack on Birth Control” mentioned some things that the president had against birth control. For contraception to become a major problem to debate on, and example of why this was presented was that “coverage of contraception could lead to more ‘risky sexual behavior’ among some teenagers and young women” (The Editorial Board, p.2). With one thing being a current problem, many woman that are on birth control might sometimes take advantage and perform risky actions. Some of these actions is have more than a few intimate partners, think to never have the need of other protection needs, woman often become infected with sexual transmitted infections. There are many young teenage woman that have been on birth control for years already, whether they have a child or not, changing intimate partners seem to never stop for some. Taking advantage of the government with this use of contraceptives provided by insurances can become a good thing, but also a bad one depending on who, and how educated woman are that use it. There have been some cases in the U.S where the use of contraceptives are not fully effective, making them
Rash, red eyes, muscle pain, headaches, and fevers is all I heard people at the hospital telling the doctors (Scientists look for new ways to kill mosquitoes, stop deadly diseases). I saw people crying, praying, and doubting themselves. I looked over at the front desk, being the curious person that I am, and there sat my mom and a doctor talking and I was sitting in the flat rocky hospital bed.
Apart from the many methods of birth control methods, there is also a certain amount of controversy that surrounds the topic. The controversy tends to center around Planned Parenthood and the use of emergency contraceptives. There are many individuals and even some corporations that oppose birth control for religious reasons, stating that the use interferes with “God’s Plan.”