
The Writing Process

Decent Essays

Scores of composition instructors agree that writing should be taught as a recursive process, rather than a liner process, and they also agree that most writers employ certain writing strategies as they produce drafts. Sandra Perl’s article, Understanding Composing” shares these beliefs because she states: “writing does appear to be recursive, yet the parts that recur seem to vary from writer to writer and from topic to topic” (142). Perl explains that throughout the writing process, writers employ a “forward-moving action that exists by virtue of backward-moving action” (141). Furthermore, Perl claims that when writers plan, draft, and revise their writings, they use a process she labels as retrospective structuring which involves …show more content…

Moreover, Perl states that sometimes writers will change what they have written in order to ensure they are addressing the topic. Perl states that another feature of the composing process is projective structuring. She defines projective structuring as: “the ability to craft what one intends to say so that it is intelligible to others” (146). According to Perl, writers must take on the role of the reader and “assess how the words on that page will affect someone other than the writer, the reader” (147). During this process, writers need to ask themselves what someone else will require before the piece of writing can become clear and captivating. Moreover, Perl proposes that retrospective and projective structuring are two elements of the same process and Perl claims: “Together they form the alternating mental postures writers assume as they move through the act of composing (147).
I believe that Perl offers some valuable insights to the composing process, and I agree with her that writing is a recursive process. As an English tutor, I always encourage my student to reread what they have previously written. In doing so, many students will discover that some sentences in their drafts ”just do not sound right” and they are now able to make the necessary adjustments, making their writing more coherent. I also believe that rereading key words in the topic

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