
The Work In Potential Of Imperfections By Melissa Cunningham

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Introduction The discreet, intimate object of the ceramic tea bowl, by itself, is an empty vessel ready to be filled. Metaphorically speaking, this is similar to the human experience - our lives begin as empty vessels, and as we encounter each experience in our lives, our “vessels” become filled with who we are and who we will become. The tea bowls in Potential of Imperfections trace beautiful imperfections, frozen moments, and fragmented experiences. These experiences are direct references to trauma, decay, and disease and are connections between fragility, imperfection, intimacy, and the body manifested into palpable, corporeal form. Using the common, yet intimate object of the ceramic tea bowl as a stand-in for the body, traces of beautiful imperfections such as the distortion through firing, frozen moments as seen in the throwing marks, and fragmented experiences such as the cracks that have been repaired are revealed. How does displaying a large collection of tea bowls differ from using just one? Does this evoke a sense of community or the diversity of experience? The work in Potential of Imperfections by Melissa Cunningham begs to answer these questions through connections to history, present forms in the processes, and contemporary art and thought surrounding this installation as well as her body of work. …show more content…

Obscuring these symbols is emblematic of the discomfort felt when discussing trauma, illness, and death. (People are often reluctant to talk about their own pain and traumatic experiences, either because they don’t want to seem weakened or vulnerable or because they are ashamed.) In some cases, the viewer may not be sure what they are looking at, similar to someone not knowing what to say to a friend experiencing pain. Creating work that incorporates aestheticized and obscure symbols speaks to the idea of an ontological split - a separation of perception and

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