
The Watsons In The Willis Family

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I've grown up with two different family members The Watsons in the Willis family. The Willis I was always the good-hearted people that always had class and they make you feel happy spirit. If you doing bad things like on drugs then the Willis family don't claim you. The Watsons family is the opposite.they the more hard-hearted people. Don't get me wrong they love their family and they would do anything for the family. The Watson family is the one family that do drug, drink, and just love to party.
The Watson’s isn't all that bad. We always have the best Fourth of July. That's the only thing the Watsons family do together. Other than family reunions. We always had it at the car lot and there be so many people that come out. I don’t even know …show more content…

My uncle is gay. He’s one of those gay’s on the down low. Who talks like a man, dress like a man, and smell, like a man. It's just they way he thinks that tell you otherwise.
Before you even let my uncle in your house you got to make sure everything is perfect and spotless because he will go on and on how your house should look. Especially if you have more than 2 people living in your house. That stuff drives me crazy, who are you going to tell somebody how your house post to look like. Another thing that drives me crazy about my uncle is that he will tell you how you should be taking care of your kids. Now, my uncle don't have no kids, but he has nieces and nephew that he watch for his siblings. It's better if you don't tell him things because he will make you feel like a bad parent.
My uncle not all bad. He’s actually A good uncle but he just doesn't know how to say the right words. If you ask for stuff he will give it to you, if he has the money. He with go with you to get what you want, but you gotta speak up if he pick out something that you don't like. My uncle is a great person to be around, even though he can't keep his mouth shut.

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