
The Voodoo Religion And Its Stereotypes

Satisfactory Essays

New Religion Movements

What is the Voodoo Religion, and its Stereotypes

By: Yann Landy Simboro

Sutdent ID: 100127310

Prof: Chris Cutting

Tuesday April 15 2017

One don’t have to look very far to find links and ties with Voodoo to western popular culture. We can see from Zombie movies, to different types of horror movies how the Voodoo religion have been stereotypically viewed. Novelty stores sell pin-filled dolls to aim a public ranging from miscreant romantic partners to unreasonable bosses. Even Runescape (an online gaming platform) has its own Voodoo brand, and can choose to be in different “Voodoo” clans. These chops feature witch doctors, jinxed Hoodpiles and punctured Voodoo dolls. These types of representations …show more content…

This process is said to be reciprocal, and follower must look after Lwa by performing these rituals, which can sometimes come in in the form of animal sacrifice. In the other hand some Voodooist ritual allow followers to thank the spirit for their protection, blessings or good fortune. To maintain a good relationship with the Lwa, or stay in good terms followers must all conduct themselves properly according to the customs of the community and the religion. In this way one can see how Voodoo can influence a persons day by day decision, activities, and decision making. Part of voodoo belief is that the Lwa communicate with followers through possession. The Lwa takes place of the host, and temporarily displaces its soul. According to this belief the medium cannot feel pain or become injured while he is in trans. The lwa speaks through the host giving intructions, advices or prophecies of future events. In some cases the Lwa can rebuke the host for failing to perform their duties. This idea of being possessed unites two different types Voodoo practitioners. One of them primarly existing in northern, and central portion of West African coast. This type of voodoo is the oldest known Voodoo and goes back to 6000 years ago from to Fon and Kongo. The other is practiced primarly in Haiti as well as in parts of north and sourth America.
Books that explore either form of voodoo often explain the religion through series of stories and anecdotes instead of using a straightforward analysis. This is also the main reason voodoo is soo widely seen in a stereotypical way in the modern western world. The reason as to why there is no straight forward representation; and also the leading factor as to why the Voodoo religion is seen in such a way is due to three

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