1 As completely as possible, sketch the value delivery network for Apple Pay.
The value delivery network is 1st that it is convenient. The same way credit cards and bank cards changed how we carry money and pay for things, Apple Pay wants to take the next step forward. Apple wants to make it so we have one less thing to carry and be more customer friendly. If Apple could have it their way, we wouldn’t be carrying wallets at all and all payments would be made through our mobile devices, rather than by card or dollars. Apple is trying to bring this convenience to their consumers, but hasn’t really transcended like it was intended too. With that being said, Apple Pay has been regarded as a solid step forward in setting the trend.
2 With respect to Apple Pay, is Apple a producer, a consumer, or an intermediary? Explain.
With Apple Pay, Apple is an intermediary as well as a producer due to Apple being responsible for the technology they are using. Apple is probably one of the 3 most influential companies in America and are using their platform to introduce their payment method to the mainstream. Apple creates this technology and wants it to be the norm. Apple is also an intermediary because they create this brand loyalty with consumers and partnerships with stores to make sure the option is available. We have to know about the app and use it in addition to stores accepting it, without both Apple Pay won’t work.
3 Identify all the reasons why Apple’s partnerships are essential to
Apple Inc., together with subsidiaries, designs, manufactures, and markets mobile communication and media devices, personal computing products, and portable digital music players worldwide. The also sell a variety of related software, services, peripherals, and networking solutions.
Apple Inc. has hardware and software products which provide omnichannel devices for other retailers. Apple Inc (2015) shows that the company developed Apple pay which allows
Apple’s business model is geared towards the hardware and software of its products. Also they focus on its mobile software applications, which is widely popular among customers due to the app store iPhone users. the applications on the app store are available for user on apple products and one of a kind compared to the less popular applications offered by Google and Facebook
Prospective payment system is a “method of reimbursement in which payment rates for healthcare services are established in advance for a specific time period.” These rates are based on the average usage of resources for those certain types of healthcare. The prospective payment system puts the liability on the healthcare organization because the cost of the healthcare procedure can be more expensive than the average cost. Therefore, healthcare organizations need to be methodical with the way the treat their patients, use as little resources for the best quality of care. There are many prospective payment systems; there is inpatient, acute-care, inpatient psychiatric facility, home health, outpatient, long-term care, rehabilitation, and nursing facilities.
Payless Shoe Source is a discount footwear retailer with over 4,572 retail stores in 15 countries. This company does not only focus on providing different fashion possibilities for the family at a great price, but distinguishes themselves by offering an engaging, easy-to-shop experience and outstanding customer service. Our group chose this company to blueprint because it has a very elaborate customer service process. This company focuses heavily on providing the customer with a great shopping experience by following a series of “critical actions” that must be delivered to one hundred percent of the customers during their journey in the store. In addition, one of our group members works in this company and therefore, it would be easier to
The situation surrounding Apple and the
The core of PayPal business strategy is constant innovation and it would be impossible without information systems. PayPal is the pioneer of the e-commerce and now focused on online, mobile and in-store payments. Nowadays, the payments processing space is fast changing and for all the new emerging payments options on the market PayPal must be able to offer a product to
Our analysis of Apple Inc. will incorporate the general overview of the company and how it records it revenues. We will observe how they make an honest effort to be within compliance of all accounting standards according to the Financial Accounting Standards Board for recording and disclosure of its income. Apple’s leading competitor, Google Inc., will also be examined to see whether they are comparable to Apple and still within compliance of the Securities and Exchange Commission and FASB for revenue recognition. Apple takes on design, development and marketing of personal computers, portable digital music players, and media devices that exceed the reach of everyday needs. The company also
In the beginning we would see celebrities staring in their commercials, using the latest products but now Apple is taking their products and fitting them into average everyday lives. Though the top celebrities are still seen with Apple products such as the iPhone and MacBook Pro; which is always going to be a big marketing perk for the company. Apple is now focusing on creating their products for the average person, they focus on art, photography, video camera, music, etc. The online Apple store gives consumers a chance to compare old products to newer devices. It allows people to learn about their products using videos and magnification to see the new retina displays on their computers “whatever you can imagine, you can bring to life with Apple products. Because when you start with amazing products, you can create amazing things.” (Apple.com). Having a device at the tip of your hands that allows you to create amazing things is what makes Apple so unique. Being different gives the company its idea of being
Apple is a technology company that is forever changing. From the iPod to the iTouch/iPhone to the Mac, Apple’s rapid growth as a technology superpower could not have been possible without an intricate information system. The innovation of Apple over the years has seen unprecedented advances in the way we look at technology. This is important to Apple because they have expanded their range of business and revolutionized their product. The problem with this is that not a lot of companies and businesses see Apple as unnecessary
From the point of view of Apple Company, the cash it pays to its representatives as a byproduct of the work that they do is something that the organization needs to concentrate on to guarantee proficient operations. Unless the organization and representatives are in a wide assention, the net outcome will be disappointment from workers point of view and rubbing in the bond. Apple can along these lines utilize pay technique as a method for restricting viably with its vast pool of both for all time and transiently utilized laborers. This can further be illustrated in a commonly restricting authoritative record or get that spells out precisely how much pay every worker in the organization
Apple Inc. is an American multinational organization that design, manufactures and sells the high technological electronics, online services, computer software and accessories. The product and services of Apple Inc. consist of iPhone, iPod, iPad, Mac, Apple watch, software (ios operating system, icloud) and so on. Apple is the leading brand in the mobile market across the globe. Apple delivers the applications through iTunes store, Mac App Store developed by the Apple Inc itself. The company offers its product worldwide via different retail stores, showroom, online stores,
I found an article “CMS: Over Half in Value-Based Care Program to Earn Bonuses” on the Revcycle intelligence website. The government attempts to promote the transition from volume-based purchasing to value-based purchasing for health care and receives positive feedbacks in the past few years. It brings my interest because value-based payment is a new strategy based on value instead of volume.
Sales - Apple has a specific functional area based on sales. The sales department of a business handles how the products will be sold and helping customers find a suitable product for their needs. They organise sales promotions (or advertising), respond to customer enquiries about their products, and negotiate discounts for customers; which enhances customer satisfaction and keeping customer records up to date. E.g. Apple found that distributing their phones to sell at other shops would broaden their market and create a lot of word of mouth which would be essential to the growth of the business. The shops they distribute the phones to always try to find ways to discount their customers which always creates customer satisfaction.
there is a new world alongside this of mobile payments. Apple pay and Android pay are