
The Value Delivery Network For Apple Pay Essay

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1 As completely as possible, sketch the value delivery network for Apple Pay.
The value delivery network is 1st that it is convenient. The same way credit cards and bank cards changed how we carry money and pay for things, Apple Pay wants to take the next step forward. Apple wants to make it so we have one less thing to carry and be more customer friendly. If Apple could have it their way, we wouldn’t be carrying wallets at all and all payments would be made through our mobile devices, rather than by card or dollars. Apple is trying to bring this convenience to their consumers, but hasn’t really transcended like it was intended too. With that being said, Apple Pay has been regarded as a solid step forward in setting the trend.
2 With respect to Apple Pay, is Apple a producer, a consumer, or an intermediary? Explain.
With Apple Pay, Apple is an intermediary as well as a producer due to Apple being responsible for the technology they are using. Apple is probably one of the 3 most influential companies in America and are using their platform to introduce their payment method to the mainstream. Apple creates this technology and wants it to be the norm. Apple is also an intermediary because they create this brand loyalty with consumers and partnerships with stores to make sure the option is available. We have to know about the app and use it in addition to stores accepting it, without both Apple Pay won’t work.
3 Identify all the reasons why Apple’s partnerships are essential to

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