
The United States And The Civil War

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Starting in 1865, the United States began to experience a series of changes and transformations that completely altered the landscape of the country. On the political side, the federal government had to deal with the aftermath of the Civil War and faced the challenge of reintegrating southern states back into the union while also attempting to institute desegregation movements in the South. From a social standpoint, almost four million slaves were freed by the end of the Civil War and in search of a better life, while a wide majority of women saw their roles begin to change–as there was a 307% increase in women joining labor forces from 1880-1930. Meanwhile on the economic side, the entire nation was undergoing the most significant industrial expansion to date, which would completely alter everyday life. All of these profound and rapid changes left American citizens in a state of disarray and in search for order, as they worried about how these changes would affect their lives and social statuses. This growing paranoia among American citizens, especially in the upper class, culminated with laws and court rulings being passed that ultimately favored the wealthy elites and prevented these changes from taking power away from the hands of the people that already had control. Although there were many instances from 1865 to the start of the 20th century that can illustrate the country’s search for order, the most significant example can be drawn from a decision made by the

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