
The American Civil War : The United States

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The American Civil War
The United States wasn’t as united as they would like to be. Over about a ten-year period the United States started to divide into the Confederate States and The United States. This division wasn’t all of a sudden out of the blue movement, many debates brought upon the division and the start of the civil war. The biggest issue between the North and South was the issue of Slavery and what it entailed. The American Civil War was the United States way of figuring out what kind of nation it would be, one nation that abolished slavery or a nation that still had slavery. All the events leading up to the end of the war and the North winning lasted four years. Starting with the succession of the southern states to the last of the confederate armies surrendering in the war, the civil war was one of the most iconic wars that were fought on American soil. In 1860, when Abraham Lincoln was first elected president, the southerners started to succeed from the United States. The southern states were not happy with the way the American government was going, believing the government was becoming to powerful. The first state to leave was South Carolina and the Confederate states of America were created. Soon after South Carolina, six for states left the United States to join the confederate states. After a while there was a total of eleven states within the confederacy. Once the confederacy came together they elected Jefferson Davis as the first president of the

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