
The Ugly American Character Analysis

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The book “The Ugly American” depicts many fictional personalities based on real individuals. These individuals served in an ambassador or representative role for the United States overseas. Many of these individuals did amazing things that benefited the U.S. relationship with these countries. Some of the personalities conducted themselves inappropriately and this hurt relations between countries. I have selected the characters Thomas Knox and Homer Atkins who displayed many positive attributes and characteristics desired when selecting someone to represent the U.S. overseas. I will compare and contrast the actions of these characters to the Special Operations (SO) imperatives as well as give my experiences as a Soldier that relate to these imperatives. Both of these characters displayed knowledge and attributes that are important to SO imperatives.
The first character that I would like to discuss is Thomas Knox. He was the Consultant on Poultry for Economic Cooperation Administration in Cambodia. Thomas Knox understood that long-term engagement was …show more content…

I have also discussed my experiences as a Soldier as it relates to the SO imperatives discussed. These two characters both displayed SO imperatives, whether they did this intentionally or not. Both characters made a positive impact on the countries that they were in. As an SF Soldier, we need to strive to be successful in applying the SO Imperatives in everything that we do along with displaying the SO attributes. This will help our survivability and will ensure legitimacy and credibility of special operations (which is an SO imperative) in the many foreign nations that we visit and the United States of America. If we do this as SF Soldiers, we will ensure that we have a positive and lasting effect in everything that we

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