
The Ugly American By William J. Deming And Eugene Burdick

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The Ugly American, published in 1958, by William J. Lederer and Eugene Burdick, depicts the many United States foreign policy errors of the time. Counterinsurgency is a parallel to the novel while the novel depicts the failures of American diplomats during a time in which Communism was succeeding. The diplomats’ lack of knowledge and sensitivity to the culture caused the U.S diplomatic corps to fail. Communism was particularly succeeding in Southeast Asia when Vietnam split in two along the 17th parallel. Sarkhan represents Southeast Asia in the novel. The Ugly American soon after being published became a rude awakening for America, but yet the United States could not fathom the idea that one size does not fit all.
Counterinsurgency is the act against the activities of guerrilla warfare tactics or revolutionaries by military or political action. In a sense, states are trying to make peace without war. Counterinsurgency came into effect after the end of World War 1. Increasing mechanization is one the main reasons for this. The United States in an attempt to be proactive, as always, adopted a new way in which to possibly defeat insurgents.
The outcomes of counterinsurgency have shifted partially because of the collision of World War 1 and industrialization resulting in a new system of military organization. The outcomes of counterinsurgency just like the outcomes of any conflict are a win, draw, or loss. A win constitutes that the insurgents have been defeated. A draw is

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