
The Transition Of High School Essay

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The transition from high school to college is a dynamic time in one’s life that parallels the change from childhood to adulthood. Both of these changes are dramatic and, as a result, feelings are difficult to put down into words. A messy combination of emotions fills the heart, surfacing in strange ways. Confident high school seniors go right back to the bottom of the chain when entering college as freshmen. These students start all over, just like entering grade school or high school for the first time. The move up from high school to college signals the switch from dependence to self-sufficiency. From a personal point of view, going through the experience of graduating high school and transferring to a residential college campus at STLCOP, made me realize I was no longer a kid and capable of making my own decisions. As I woke up that faithful Monday morning, rain fell in torrents from the sky. It had been raining all weekend, and it would not stop no matter how hard I begged. My family and I had stayed in a hotel near to my new college for a few days before the move-in day. I felt apprehensive about the whole situation, and the rain did not help this feeling. As the upperclassmen loaded up my belongings onto carts, my parents and siblings followed me up to my new dorm. Then, as I opened the door for the first time, I flinched at seeing my new room. The room was tiny compared to my bedroom at home. On top of that, I am only able to utilize half of the space.

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