
The Tokugawa Shogunate's Control Of Medieval Japan

Decent Essays

The Japanese Feudal system was the way the Tokugawa Shogunate maintained control of medieval Japan. The Japanese Feudal was an effective way to make sure that the Tokugawa Shogunate didn’t get overthrown as the ruler of Japan. Three (3) rules that were part of the Japanese Feudal are: No one shall leave or enter Japan, Farmers and peasants couldn’t be merchants and the daimyo had to spend six (6) months every year in Toyko with the Shogun.

One (1) of the rules of the Feudal system was no one was allowed in or out of Japan this is so there was no foreign culture or religion that would spread through Japan and question the way Japan was being ran and prevent the westernisation of Japan this also included banning Christianity. As stated by “With the Act of Seclusion (1636), Japan was effectively cut off from Western nations for the next 200 years”. Though it’s from a secondary source this quote shows that the Tokugawa Shogunate didn’t want anyone questioning their methods of ruling and they didn’t want anyone bringing in new things e.g guns. This was an effective way to control Japan because the Japanese wouldn’t know of any other way of ruling so they couldn’t question how the Tokugawa Shogunate was …show more content…

Another reason why they can’t become merchants is because the government can get money out of the farmers but yet they couldn’t get money out of the merchants. A quote from skwirk is “A steady worsening of the financial situation of the government led to higher taxes and riots among the rural population” This means that due to the government stuffing up the government had to raise the taxes but due to being poor people in rural areas started riots. This meant the government needed people working on farms so the government could get more money. This was another good way of controlling Medieval

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