
The Tempest Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

Shakespeare explores the relationship between humanistic qualities of modern civilization versus the flawless elements of nature. In “The Tempest”, Ariel and Caliban are natives to a pure island and are slaves to the magician, Prospero. Shakespeare demonstrates the imperfect characteristics of modern civilization through Prospero. Prospero devises a plan where he intended to use his magic abilities to cast revenge against his brother, who stole his title as Duke of Milan. Prospero’s ability to practice in the magic arts has a direct connection to modern civilizations. He asserts his authority over Caliban in a vengeful way by threating him with discomfort to his body. Although Prospero is highly educated and skilled, his actions prove him to …show more content…

The way he communicates with Prospero significantly differs from Caliban. He uses simplistic language sounding similar to songs or poems. Ariel had proved himself to be reliable and played a vital role in Prospero’s plans. I think Shakespeare purposely made Ariel a spirit. It is symbolic because by making him a fairy-like character, he is not bound by the humanistic qualities that caused Prospero to fall short of perfection. In Act V, Ariel is the only one who can truly be considered pure and close to nature. Also, in Act V Prospero gives up his magic as spoken by Prosper “Now I want Spirits to enforce, art to enchant; And my ending is despair Unless I be relieved by prayer, Which pierces so that it assaults Mercy itself and frees all faults. As you from crimes would pardoned be, Let you indulgence set me free.” (5.1.13-20). Prospero regains control of his dukedom, but his oppression has proved him to be unfit to lead a kingdom. Caliban resolved to serve Prospero as a willing servant, “I shall be pinched to death” (5.1.277) which is the complete opposite of the freedom he so desperately longed for throughout the play. Ariel winning his freedom seems to be the only character that ends up truly satisfied in the

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