
The Taming Of The Shrew Research Paper

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Equality can be defined as the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. In the famous play, ‘The Taming of The Shrew’, by William Shakespeare, women are not treated fairly or equally. Men have more power over them and are far more superior to them. However comparing the act to my personal experience and to historical events like slavery, one can realize that equality is not an easy opportunity to be given to someone or something. There will always be something in your way. When I was teased and picked on, I did not have my own voice to stand up for myself and tell the teacher what was wrong. I was scared. It was hard to ignore them. All I can say in my head was that this was not fair. Another example would be slavery. …show more content…

In Katharina’s case, she was not treated fairly and was practically controlled by Petruchio; she did not have her own rights. On Katharina’s and Petruchio’s wedding day, Petruchio shows up late to humiliate her and embarrass her. Petruchio turns out to be dressed like what most people say, homeless. This was Katharina’s second humiliation. Petruchio’s plan was to make her feel embarrassed and humiliated. He only wants Katharina for her money. By this plan Petruchio was slowly and slowly ‘taming’ her. When it was time for the sacred ceremony, Petruchio was acting like a hooligan and was swearing out loud. The priest drops his book and hits him as he was trying to pick it up during the special ritual. Katharina was continuously mortified by Petruchio’s silly actions. After all the bizarre moments that had happened, Petruchio decides to leave, missing out the reception, and forcing Katharina to go with him. Katharina could not really do anything about it and was practically forced to go and miss the reception. Katharina had once said after, “I am ashamed that women are so simple to offer war where they should kneel for peace,” (5, ii). This quote had meant that women should be grateful that they were the chosen one from their husband. They shouldn’t argue with their husband and should just agree with what their husband

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