
The Sustainable Management Of Healthcare Waste

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The sustainable management of Healthcare Waste (HCW) has continued to generate increasing public interest due to the health problems associated with human exposure to potentially hazardous wastes arising from healthcare (Tudor et al., 2005; Ferreira, 2003; Da Silver et al., 2005).Presently a considerable gap exists with regard to the assessment of healthcare waste management practices in several other countries in Sub–Saharan Africa. The nature and quantity of healthcare waste generated as well as institutional practices with regards to sustainable methods of healthcare waste management, including waste segregation and waste recycling are often poorly examined and poorly documented in several countries of the world despite the health risks posed by the improper handling of healthcare waste (Farzadika et al., 2009; Oke, 2005). It is also of serious concern that the level of awareness, particularly of health workers regarding healthcare waste has not been adequately documented.

Healthcare waste is a special category of waste because it often contains materials that may be harmful and can cause ill health to those exposed to it. A number of studies have indicated that the inappropriate handling and disposal of healthcare waste poses health risks to health workers who may be directly exposed, and to people near health facilities, particularly children and scavengers who could become exposed to infectious wastes and they may even at a higher risk of

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