
The Stress Of Standardized Testing In Schools

Decent Essays

Students often feel the stress that comes from standardized testing. Often times, parents feel the stress of standardized testing as well. A study conducted by Osburn, Stegman, Stuitt, and Ritter of the University of Arkansas, found that some parents feel pressure to help their child score well on the standardized tests. (p. 85, 2004) Although this study showed that the majority of parent felt little pressure to help their children pass standardized tests, it is noted that this study was conducted within a high-performing district and that parents from a low performing district may feel differently. (Osburn et al, p. 88, 2004) Students are feeling more pressure to pass the standardized tests as a result of the increased emphasis that is placed on them to ensure academic success. One of the ways the standardized testing is effecting students is by having an excessive amount of time spent in test preparation. As stated before, teachers were spending a large percentage of their day teaching to test. During this time, students are becoming increasingly bored and feeling burnout. (Blazer, p. 3, 2011) According to Blazer (2011), “Major research has stated that high-stakes decisions should not be made on the basis of a single test score because a test only provides a “snapshot” of student achievement and ay not accurately reflect an entire year’s worth of student progress and achievement.” (p. 5) Many educators feel that standardized tests to not accurately measure students’

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