
The Sociological Imagination Is Using Imaginative Thoughts And Processes Essay

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1. Sociological imagination is using imaginative thoughts and processes to answer sociological questions. This is to think your way to a different perspective to achieve a better understanding of something. Sociology is the study of society, culture, and human nature. The goal is to understand what makes and changes societies. Manifest functions are consequences that are known, such as punishments for breaking laws. Latent functions are consequences that are not known, like a consequence that is positive or negative but not explicitly recognized.
2. Émile Durkheim’s study of suicide revealed that humans are social creatures and that how a person interacts with others shapes how they act. I am taking this class for my minor because I believed it would be appropriate to minor in sociology while majoring in psychology. A “deeper” reason could be because I intend to work with people and while I am learning about the individual, I feel a need to learn about how society affects the individual as well.
3. The theory that has been influenced by Comte, Spencer, and Durkheim is
4. To Marx, capitalism is an economic system where the upper class exploits the lower, working class and conflict is inevitable. The alienation of the working class was caused by their labor. All they were to the upper class were just people who wanted to be fed that would work long hours and be separated from their families and each other to do so. The idea to de-alienate the working class from the upper

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