
The Sniper Courageous Quotes

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In “The Sniper” by Liam O'flaherty, the sniper is shown as courageous, strong, and curious. The sniper is shown to be courageous when he risked his life to fight for what he believes in. “Cautiously he raised himself and peered over the parapet. There was a flash and a bullet whizzed over his head(O’Flaherty 437). This quote proves that the sniper was courageous because that bullet could have killed him, when he raised his head over the parapet. During the story, the sniper is also strong. He shows that he is strong when he gets shot and keeps going. “His forearm was dead…. He muttered, I’m hit(O’Flaherty 438).”This quote proves that the sniper was strong because he got hit but kept going. To conclude the three traits that I chose for the

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