
Literary Analysis Of The Sniper By Liam OFlaherty

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Through literature, Liam O’Flaherty, the author of the short story The Sniper, clearly illustrates how horrific and destructive war really is. He illustrates the appalling agony of the Irish civil war through a dramatic story of two brothers against each other in the war. Through the the author's writing, readers can conclude that the theme of The Sniper is that war destroys families. O’Flaherty sets emphasis on this theme by using many strong literary devices. The literary devices used that apply the most emphasis on the theme are situational irony, setting, and the author's use of direct characterization .
One way that O’Flaherty sets emphasises on the theme is by inputting situational irony in the story. The author shows situational irony in the following quote: “Then the sniper turned over the dead body and looked into his brother’s face” (O’Flaherty 265). The reader did not expect for the sniper to have killed any family member. The reader only expected the sniper to have killed any soldier, but the fact that he killed his brother makes the situation extremely ironic. This situation is ironic because no brother should be against each other fighting to death no matter what circumstance or situation it is, but these two were put in that position very ironically. This irony makes the reader feel enraged and resentful towards war because as family should never be against each other regardless, but war has put them in this very ironic position. The fact that the

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