
The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X And Generation Y

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The generations that are in the work place currently are the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y. The Silent Generation were born 1930-1945, the Baby Boomers were 1946-1964, Generation X was 1965-1979 and Generation Y or the Millennials were born from 1980-2000. (Devaney, 2015). Each generation has different traits attributed to them based on the differences of the environment they were raised in and what the work force was like when they entered it. Generation grew up with Vietnam whereas Baby Boomers grew up with economic success. (Devaney, 2015). These differences nurtured different traits which worked into different working values. For example, the Baby Boomers are generally thought to be workaholics whereas Millennials

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