
The Sexual Aspect Of American Beauty

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A minority of critics and movie analysts have attempted to pick at the sexual aspect of American Beauty in hopes of uncovering a hidden meaning instead they are simply over reaching. American Beauty is a satire that aims to shed some much needed light on the hidden world that lives in the American suburban setting. Successfully accomplished by Mendes through the exposure of certain topics and sexuality undoubtably being one of them. Ricky’s father Colonel Frank Fitts a military man who brings his military world of discipline and order to the management of his family is ironically a homophobe. The irony is displayed at the last scene of the movie where its revealed that the colonel himself is a homosexual man when he kisses Lester. Likewise Lester and Jane’s friend Angela’s relationship is created upon aesthetic desire from both parties; the sexual half part of the relationship never comes to life but the relationship stirs much controversy nonetheless. Both examples provide room for the minority argument although these examples only play a part in the mocking and exposure of the hidden scandals that occur within the suburban setting and neither make it to the final message that Mendes want his viewers to walk away with. Critics believe these sexual interactions and relationships should be mentioned and stamped with a negative connotation especially that of Lester and Angela since “Only 2 of the 492 critics used the word "pedophilia" in their assessments of American Beauty

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