
The Seven Deadly Sins Or Cardinal Sins Essay

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The seven deadly sins or cardinal sins, are behaviors that classify under the category of immoralities. According to this standard list, they include: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. These sins are often believed to be abuses or excessive versions of a person’s natural senses or passions. Within the articles of The Onion -“The 7 Deadly Sins” give examples of people within a church setting practicing these immoralities, and with some more than once. Pride, the extreme certainty in one 's own capabilities. Humans are flattering on their own however the logic of being arrogant can be fuel by the assumptions of others. Looking at the prideful church parishioner, Connie Barett, “My cookies, cakes, and brownies are always the highlight or our church bake sale, and everyone says so.” (The onion. “All Seven Deadly Sins Committed at Church Bake Sale.” 2007. Bake to the Lake. Ed. Thomas Cooley. 3rd ed. New York: Norton, 2015. 257. Print.) It is simply perceived that she is egotistical of herself, “Sometimes, even I’m amazed by how well my goodies turn out. (The onion. “All Seven Deadly Sins Committed at Church Bake Sale.” 2007. Bake to the Lake. Ed. Thomas Cooley. 3rd ed. New York: Norton, 2015. 257. Print.)

Gluttony is the act of satisfying our hunger, to consume further than you require. The majority of times Wick goes by the Connie’s table, Wick buys something, claiming she has no self-control. (The onion. “All Seven Deadly Sins Committed at Church Bake

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